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I looked up the gift for 5th year is or what the 5th year stands for.


In ancient times, trees symbolized strength and wisdom.  By the fifth year of marriage, the married couple is developing strong, deep roots like a venerable oak tree and is gaining insight and understanding from the mistakes and stumblings of the first five years. The pair has learned the most important lesson of all and the secret to a successful marriage: forgiveness.


So, that means to me that FGGAM is gaining strength.

It is great that our fellowship started June of the same year as FGGAM did. This excites me as I am praying that both ministries will establish a foothold, as time goes on, in the community to bring encouragement and to help others to grow in Christ.

Happy Birthday to both FGGAM and Cross Christian Fellowship, Rt. 66. May The Lord prosper in these ministries.

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