Good Morning Beautiful People…Listen And Obey


Good Morning Beautiful People…Listen And Obey

Good Morning beautiful people. This morning, I was reviewing my journal once again. After a time of prayer and fasting, I penned these thoughts one early morning.

The time is now. Go, go, go. I want to use you as forerunners-trailblazers. Go ahead and light the way. Many will come and many will ask how you have done this. Your answer will be  It’s Jesus. It’s Jesus, just listen and obey. There is no other way than to listen as you pray.

If you have experienced a season of trials and you have endured then this word is for you. 

I have seen your heart and I have seen your pain. You have endured much. I have heard your many cries. I have tried you and found you trustworthy and faithful. I will open doors for you that no man could ever close. I will do exploits through you because you listen and obey. Do as I instruct. Keep your ears sharp for what the spirit is saying. Love is the greatest gift. What I have freely given you-go give it away.

Father, the greatest gift we have ever received was Jesus. Oh, how we love you, Jesus. Today, we join our faith all across this globe for an explosion of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Father, you said we have not because we ask not God. (James 4:2). We want the world to know Jesus.

Father, you said it is not by might, nor by power, but by your spirit. Thank you spirit of God for drawing souls unto yourself. Thank you for signs, wonders and miracles as we obey Your voice. (Mark 16:17)

Thank you for the blessings that will come upon us and overtake us according to Your Word in Deuteronomy 28 if we obey the voice of the Lord our God. Give us sensitive ears to hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying and the courage to step out and be obedient. We give you all the glory for everything you do in us and through us.

Oh, how we love you, Jesus. Amen

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Listen as you pray and then obey. Share your faith.










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