Bill Wilson: Combatting the Modern Islamic Slave Trade


Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
Combatting the modern Islamic slave trade

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Love, Truth, Honor, Justice are the four pillars upon which The Daily Jot ministry is built. Our ministry outreach is not only providing you with news and analysis from a prophetic and biblical point of view, but also boots-on-the-ground in areas such as Ghana, West Africa to minister to the less fortunate through clothing, feeding, and water initiatives as well as church planting in often dangerous Muslim areas. Our work is under a constant threat from Islam not only generated from the writings of The Daily Jot, but also from our actions to maintain churches in hostile areas and protect people from Islamic aggression. This is a moving story of how the Lord used our ministry to prevent a young lady from being enslaved by Islam.
Ministry partner William Agbeti is on the front lines of physical and spiritual warfare in Ghana. Often William is confronted with the most uncomfortable aspects of humankind where he relies on the Lord for spiritual guidance and wisdom. Our ministry efforts to establish churches in rural areas where the large Ghanaian churches will not venture leads us into handling many challenges. Islamic human sex trafficking is one of them. Islam is a most vile force in the world that reaches even to the very rural areas of Ghana where there is a huge underground trafficking of girls from Ghana to Dubai and Muslim nations. Without going into detail that would ignite dangerous retaliation, let me share with you one such example.
William writes: “A young girl also almost fell victim to the trafficking. The traffickers took her money, warned her not to tell anybody, and set a date for her journey to “greener pastures”. God loving her so much, she mustered up courage to seek final opinion about the opportunity from me. Was she fortunate or what? To cut a long story short, the girl is currently under the care of our ministry, safely enrolled in a school under our own protection program; far from harm’s way. We are responsible for her needs and school fees. She is only 19, a teenager. Had it not been for a divine intervention in her life, with the help of our Ministry, she would have ended up a sex slave in an Arab country. Thanks be to God, she is now safely enrolled in a boarding school; pursuing the vocation of her choice.”
I am reminded of the story about the little girl who saw hundreds of starfish washed ashore on a beach and she was tossing some back into the ocean one by one. A person confronted her about what she was doing. She answered that she was trying to save the starfish’s lives. The person said that there were so many that she couldn’t possibly make a difference. She said as she tossed one into the water-“To that one I did.” To this Ghanaian teenaged girl, we did. And this and other projects like it are why we need your financial support for this ministry. As Jesus said in Matthew 25:40,”Verily, I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.” And so it is.
We are truly a reader-supported ministry. When you send a financial gift, your contribution goes to ministry-not buildings, salaries, planes, trains or automobiles. When you partner with us, you are not only helping equip others to speak as prophetic people into our society, but also feeding, clothing, quenching thirst and protecting those who cannot do so for themselves. We are a small ministry, but by God’s grace we make a big difference.
If you are so led, you may make a secure online donation here or by mail at:
The Daily Jot
5257 Buckeystown Pike, #314,
Frederick, Md. 21704.
Blessings to you and your family.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
PS. Please use the “Share This Email” link below to pass this on to as many people as you can!
Our Feeding and Clothing Ministry Outreach in Ghana

By Pastor William Agbeti
[NOTE: This is an account of just one of many feeding and clothing programs conducted by The Daily Jot and our ministry partner Redeem West Africa in the rural areas of Ghana, West Africa. These are often areas under heavy Islamic pressure. We are also providing clean water in rural areas with our well projects. It’s your kind donations that make this possible–Blessings, Bill W]

KROBO-ODUMASE, Eastern Region, Ghana:

As early as 8am Sunday morning, February 5, they started pouring in. Two hundred and sixteen children, forty eight parents and a handful of the disabled, coming from various poor homes and communities, eagerly looking forward to a good, free meal.
The atmosphere was electrifying and heartrending – an entire community of children and parents showing up for a free meal.
Meals were served to the satisfaction of all. All had soda to drink and water to quench their thirsts.
Everyone participated in some sort of games and danced to popular local music. Joy, laughter, merry making and the spirit of love hung heavily in the air. This was heaven to many.
Then what we always dread at our feeding functions happened. It was time to say goodbye and depart. A surprise announcement was made, that all the children and their parents, including the disabled, would be given free food to take home!
They were asked to line up for the extra food. Suddenly there was a joyous stampede! Both children and adults started rushing to gain the best place in the queue to receive their free meals.
Tears rolled down the cheeks of volunteers, as they served in total silence.

The Daily Jot is totally reader supported. My wife, Chris, and I do not take a salary or receive any remuneration for this work. Your gifts go directly to assisting us in maintaining this column, the website, outreach, and the Lord’s work we do in Ghana, West Africa. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day,

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot

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