Tuesday, June 20, 2017
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary L. Bauer
The Real Danger
Rush Limbaugh noted yesterday that when the news broke about an attack near a London mosque, the British political establishment, as well as the American left, could not hide its excitement. They finally had a terrorist incident that they could rail against without any hesitation and use to further deflect the public’s attention from the war we are in. As usual, Rush was absolutely right.
Prime Minister Theresa May rushed to a microphone and reverted back to the insane rhetoric that virtually every Western leader has used, except President Trump, Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen. And that is, “We are in a war with terrorism.”
If terrorism is your enemy, the attack at the mosque by Darren Osborne from Wales is as much a threat to the United Kingdom as are the almost weekly attacks by radical Islamists. But terrorism is not the enemy. It is a tactic used by the enemy.
The enemy is Islamism and Islamic supremacists who want to convert or kill every human being in the world. Don’t take my word for it. Ali Ja’fari, commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, said recently, “We are on the path that leads to the rule of Islam worldwide.”
Now, let me point out the obvious: It is clear from the reporting that Darren Osborne committed a premeditated act of attempted murder. It was a disgusting attack, and Mr. Osborne should suffer the full penalty of the law.
But Darren Osborne is not what is threatening the United Kingdom, the United States, the people of France, Sweden, Germany or Judeo-Christian Civilization. Nor is Darren Osborne the real danger to the Christians and other religious minorities of Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Libya or dozens of other countries around the world.
After each jihadist attack, establishment politicians try to gloss over the problem by saying:
“A terrorist blew up our daughters at a concert.”
“A terrorist stabbed patrons at a bar.”
“A terrorist stabbed an Israeli policewoman to death.”
“A terrorist stacked up gay and lesbian bodies in Orlando.”
“Terrorists, apparently not filled with Christmas cheer, killed their co-workers in San Bernardino.”
And, yes, Darren Osborne of Wales drove his van into a group of people who did not deserve it. True enough.
But then our leaders say, “See, there is a big problem with terror.” Sadly, they completely miss the point.
The real danger is that 99.9% of the attacks are being carried out by Islamic supremacists.
The real danger is that there is a massive infrastructure around the world that supports them, that supplies them and teaches them that they are pleasing Allah when they kill infidels. Their grievance is that Darren Osborne of Wales exists at all.
The real danger is that the “religion of peace” has a big problem with violence. Nearly 1,400 people have been killed during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. And it’s not over yet.
So far, we know almost nothing about Mr. Osborne, but I can guarantee you that he is not part of a worldwide movement that wants to destroy Western Civilization. We may learn that he is insane. His mother has suggested as much.
We keep hearing that because of Donald Trump, Islamophobia is on the rise and that attacks against Muslims are on the rise. That’s fake news. In reality, the hate that is on the rise is anti-Semitism, even reaching record levels in the United Kingdom.
Is it just a coincidence that this spike in anti-Semitism coincides with record immigration, much of which has been fueled by mass migration from the Muslim world?
The European political establishment is all in for the idea that you can take a nation filled with men named John, replace them with people named Ahmed, and still have the same country. They won’t.
There is a reason England is known for the Magna Carta, John Locke, Adam Smith, Edmund Burke, William Wilberforce and John Newton. And that grand history has nothing to do with Islam.
Hiding Something?
A new Rasmussen poll finds that 50% of likely voters want Congress or the FBI to investigate allegations that Obama Administration officials abused our nation’s intelligence apparatus to spy on political opponents and leak damaging information to the media. Another poll finds that 53% of voters feel that leaking classified information to the media is an act of treason.
Judicial Watch has been trying to find out the extent to which former National Security Advisor Susan Rice was involved in exposing the identities of American citizens who were caught up in foreign surveillance. But recently the group received a notice from the NSA saying it didn’t have any records to turn over. Here we go again. . .
According to the NSA, Obama Administration records have been given to the Obama Presidential Library, and, “under the Presidential Records Act, presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.”
How convenient.
If members of an administration can commit potential crimes and hide the evidence in a library for five years, we’ve got big problems. This may be litigated in the courts, but we can’t predict with any certainty how such a lawsuit might turn out or how long it could take.
“Diaspora Of The Disappointed”
Over the weekend, the Washington Post published an empathy-filled piece about certain members of society who are living in the shadows now, not getting the attention they deserve. [You might want to make sure you have a tissue handy. This is a real tearjerker.]
The Post wrote about a “diaspora of the disappointed,” about their “personal letdowns,” and “upended promises.” The reporter described the “incredible frustration” and “embarrassment” they are feeling.
In fact, one person said she “felt short of breath and like there was a dagger in my heart.” Oh, the humanity!
I am referring, of course, to former Obama White House staffers — you know, these folks, who every day are suffering as they watch the Trump/Pence team rollback all their hard work.
According to the Washington Post, many members of this “diaspora of the disappointed” have been banished to working in think tanks in New York City and Washington, D.C. They are lucky, really. Fortunately for them, think tank jobs are not yet hot commodities among illegal immigrants or those jobs would be taken too.
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