Celebrating the Birthday of Our Mentor, Apostle Barbara Gould


It was such a blessing to gather with many at Emmanuel Ministries in Rio Rancho yesterday to celebrate the 75th birthday of one of our main mentor’s Apostle Barbara Gould, the founder of Emmanuel Ministries International.

I met Barbara about 9 years ago at KKIM Christian Radio when I was the manager. I instantly knew that God had sent her to me. I cannot type the words to describe the impact that Barbara has had on me and Sharon, but I will do my best.

When God called me out of KKIM 5 years ago this coming August, to form For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, God had me select Barbara as one of our first board members.

I trust her so very much as she gives us such Godly advice, she speaks life over me and Sharon, she gives from the depths of her soul. She is a life marker for us, meaning, meeting Barbara has made a huge impact on our lives.

This morning I posted an article that Adrian Rogers had written on purity, that would be Barbara, pure, yes, very pure in our Lord and full of Godly wisdom, Barbara is full of the Holy Spirit.

Sharon and I love you Barbara, your are such an awesome testimony for us all on how to live for our Lord.

May many more learn from you.

Galatians 5:22

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

 It is a very powerful team at Emmanuel Ministries, Apostle Barbara and Pastor Sonia Haylettt, who also serves on the FGGAM Board.
Pastor-Caleb Cooper posted this on Facebook after Thursday nights Revival at Emmanuel Ministries………….

WOW! WOW! WOW! Thank you to the EMI LOVE CENTER OF RIO RANCHO, NM FOR HOSTING THE 33 COUNTY FIRES OF AWAKENING TOUR!! As soon as I stepped on this property I had a sudden surge of the same feeling I felt when I visited 216 Bonnie Brae House in Los Angeles, California last June which was the Birthplace of the Azusa St. Revival! I knew last night I was standing in the prayer womb of reconciliation and unification among races! This is truly one of the most powerful House of Prayers in Rio Rancho and in New Mexico! Holy Spirit empowered us to prophesy to the “CITY OF VISION” unlocking the prophetic destiny of the region and you could tangibly feel the atmosphere of the region shift in the midst of us!! Last night we locked arms in the Spirit with the African American leadership of New Mexico breaking the racial division in the land and Uniting as One Penetrating Voice in the Heavens!! New Mexico’s Greatest Revival Awakening will require the AUTHORITY, CALLINGS, AND GIFT SETS that God has placed on the African American Culture that will be instrumental in shaking heaven and moving hell out of regions!! We had an unbelievable move of God’s Spirit last night! We say to the African American People of New Mexico just like the First Nations People and every other race on the land that we cannot step into the prophetic destiny of our State and our Nation without you! May the Church be colorblind and synergistically begin flow as ONE CHURCH IN THE SPIRIT as the last day Army of God contends for the final outpouring and HARVEST OF SOULS before the Trumpet Blast! Apostle Barbara Gould and Pastor Sonia Haylett thank you for the spiritual sound of Jamaican Fire that you bring to New Mexico!:) Rio Rancho we say to you as the “CITY OF VISION” You will walk in Kingdom Vision that is Unshakable and On Fire as you mobilize as a Command Center in the Spirit for New Mexico’s Awakening! Lives were transformed last and night as we await the reports of Healing, Signs and Wonders! THANK YOU JESUS!! Apostle Barbara Gould and Pastor Sonia thank you again for hosting a historical night in Rio Rancho, Nm and thank for the invitation to partner with you for an upcoming powerful Revival Camp Meeting in Rio Rancho, Nm in September!! LETS GO NEW MEXICO!! REVIVAL IS COMING!! Thank you Mark Tross for your faithful, powerful and atmosphere shifting prayer efforts that have come out of Rio Rancho, Nm! #AWAKENINGONEVOICEAMONGMANYCULTURES

Thanks to our Dear Partners at the HUB of New Mexico Laura and Dan Rosecrans for providing me with these pictures! Love you guys!

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