NOTE: When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
James Rosen of Fox News reports that Capitol Hill sources claim “
The intelligence is said to leave no doubt the [Sic] former administration, in its closing days, was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump, according to sources. The key to that conclusion is the unmasking of selected U.S. persons whose names appeared in the intelligence, the sources said, adding that the paper trail leaves no other plausible purpose for the unmasking other than to damage the incoming Trump administration.” This information comes on the heels of a news conference by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, (R-CA), documenting the ex “president” spied on the President-Elect.
Nunes dropped a bombshell saying, “I recently confirmed on numerous occasions the intelligence community incidentally collected information about US citizens involved in the Trump transition. Details about US persons associated with the incoming administration, details with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value, were widely disseminated in intelligence community reporting…I have confirmed that additional names of Trump transition team members were unmasked…None of the surveillance was related to Russia, or the investigation of Russian activities, or of the Trump team.” In other words, the ex “president” and his minions spied on President-elect Donald Trump and shared the information across many intelligence agencies. Now Fox News sources claim the ex-“president” intended to damage the incoming presidency.
This entire ruse that Russia somehow colluded with the Trump campaign to alter the election is ridiculous. Americans voted and the Russians did not hack voting machines to change election results. This ruse is being used to accrue very publicly reported investigation after investigation insinuating that Trump and Russia have some plan to undermine America. The real intent is for Trump opposition to incrementally reduce his credibility with the public and prevent him from governing as elected. If you look at who had pre-election deals with Russia, Hillary Clinton and the ex-“president” would be poster children. Hundreds of millions of dollars exchanged hands between Russia and the Clinton Foundation when Clinton was Secretary of State in the ex-“president’s” administration, and these deals were supported by the ex-“president.”
A short list while Clinton was Secretary of State: Nuclear grade uranium to Russia scoring $145 million to the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton’s $500,000 speech in Moscow, Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta’s $35 million energy deal with Russia, Clinton Foundation receipt of $2.35 million in donations from Ian Telfer, head of Russia’s uranium company, and the list goes on and on. The more the ex-“president” and his minions deny spying on the Trump transition team, the more we will find they spied. The more they push Russian ties with Trump, the more deals they did with Russia themselves. This is all an effort to foment rebellion and inability to govern. As said in 2 Timothy 3:13, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” This is some of the worst deception of this generation.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
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Our Feeding and Clothing Ministry Outreach in Ghana
By Pastor William Agbeti
[ NOTE: This is an account of just one of many feeding and clothing programs conducted by The Daily Jot and our ministry partner Redeem West Africa in the rural areas of Ghana, West Africa. These are often areas under heavy Islamic pressure. We are also providing clean water in rural areas with our well projects. It’s your kind donations that make this possible–Blessings, Bill W]
KROBO-ODUMASE, Eastern Region, Ghana:
As early as 8am Sunday morning, February 5, they started pouring in. Two hundred and sixteen children, forty eight parents and a handful of the disabled, coming from various poor homes and communities, eagerly looking forward to a good, free meal.
The atmosphere was electrifying and heartrending – an entire community of children and parents showing up for a free meal.
Meals were served to the satisfaction of all. All had soda to drink and water to quench their thirsts.
Everyone participated in some sort of games and danced to popular local music. Joy, laughter, merry making and the spirit of love hung heavily in the air. This was heaven to many.
Then what we always dread at our feeding functions happened. It was time to say goodbye and depart. A surprise announcement was made, that all the children and their parents, including the disabled, would be given free food to take home!
They were asked to line up for the extra food. Suddenly there was a joyous stampede! Both children and adults started rushing to gain the best place in the queue to receive their free meals.
Tears rolled down the cheeks of volunteers, as they served in total silence.
The Daily Jot is totally reader supported. My wife, Chris, and I do not take a salary or receive any remuneration for this work. Your gifts go directly to assisting us in maintaining this column, the website, outreach, and the Lord’s work we do in Ghana, West Africa. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day,
Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot