New Mexico Ranks As The Worst Run State, Politics Just Buries The State!


Pastor Dewey Note: We love our state! Prayer changes everything! Jesus is the answer! Amen! We need to face these problems from a Biblical viewpoint to change this ugly stuff. We need to look at them as Jesus does. Politics in New Mexico just buries the state, neither party can get it right! We should no longer hide from these issues. I have been here since 1995 and this is just more of the same, but nothing is done to change the course of this state. We are to leave this world a better place than we found it. God will not bless this state unless it ends the murder of HIS babies through abortion. Here is KDAZ News Director Frank Haley’s report:

New Mexico is at the bottom of another list.    New Mexico ranks as the worst run state by 24/7 Wall St. for the second consecutive year. Following a large. . . shortfall in the state’s   2016 and 2017 budgets, Moody’s downgraded the state’s credit rating and outlook. . The likelihood of living in poverty is very high for individuals without a high school diploma. In New Mexico, fewer than 85% of adults have a high school diploma.   New Mexico’s labor market is struggling. The state’s labor force declined over the last five years, and 6.5% of workers were unemployed in October, the highest October jobless rate of in the nation.

Pastor Dewey Post from this week:

Sadly, it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel financially for New Mexico. The Albuquerque Journal is reporting that New Mexico is running out of money, or when you really look at, the state already has. According to the Journal report the state is on track to have a deficit of about $69 million, despite a special session and budget cuts. It’s really going to take a good “gut check” to get the state in the black. The state has many challenges, who will have the boldness to make the necessary cuts?    ABQ Journal Report

Pray for New Mexico…….We are in constant prayer for Godly wisdom for our leaders.

God is to be our financial planner!

What is going to happen to our children? Our grandchildren?……the future generations of New Mexico?

My Daddy always taught me to leave the world a better place than I found it!

Look at this budget surplus in Minnesota!

Minnesota budget forecast shows $1.4 billion surplus – Story | KMSP

4 days ago – Updated:Dec 03 2016 08:06AM CST. ST. PAUL, Minn. (KMSP) – Minnesota’slatest budgetforecast and economic outlook shows a projected …

Frank Haley: UNM officials announced  yesterday that a projected $43 million decline in revenue this year will require the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center to nix plans to add 340 new clinical positions.

The state’s largest health care system also plans to cut about 180 jobs by attrition across UNM’s School of Medicine and the colleges of nursing, pharmacy and population health.

The planned job cuts will affect posts for 33 physicians, 174 nurses, 167 other hospital staff and additional academic and clinical positions.

The reduction   could negatively impact patient care and access to care at University Hospital.

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