![]() December 28, 2016Eternally Secure in ChristAs Christians, many of us know we’re saved yet still wonder about eternal security. Does our behavior play a role in keeping our salvation? Examining what happened when we trusted Jesus as Savior will bring reassurance of how secure we are in Him. Prior to salvation, we had a spiritual problem. We were born with a nature inclined to rebel against God. Our inner self consistently rejected His rule and took charge. Because of our sinful state, we were spiritually dead (Eph. 2:1), under God’s judgment, and destined for eternal separation from Him. No amount of good works, repentance, or improved behavior could have changed our sinful condition. Our problem required a divine solution. Knowing this, God the Father provided what we needed through His Son Jesus (Heb. 9:11-14). The day we trusted in Christ, our condition was changed from condemnation and death to forgiveness and life (Heb. 5:24). We received a new nature—one that wants to please God—and were adopted into His family (2 Cor. 5:17; Eph. 1:5). His gift of salvation delivered us from eternal death, made us spiritually alive, and gave us eternal life. We cannot return to our dead, unforgiven state. Our new status as God’s children is permanent because it is based on what Jesus has done. While our behavior may not always reflect our new nature, any mistakes we make do not jeopardize our salvation. Remember, it’s not our actions but Christ’s work on the cross that changed everything. And nothing can undo a spiritual rebirth that came about through faith in Jesus (John 6:37). Bible in One Year: Revelation 5-8 |
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