The Truth About Populism


President Elect Donald Trump is being called a populist by the media, the pope and others in an attempt to somehow trivialize his election when compared to that of President Obama and German Chancellor Merkel.
But what is the difference between a popular candidate and candidate that wins the popular vote? Well, none really.
Trump is being compared to Adolph Hitler and the Nazis for his opposition to the flood of Syrian refugees migrating to this country but how does a change in immigration policy compare to the genocide of Hitler? It doesn’t, this is only due to his party affiliation and small ideological differences from the left.
This does not mean we should just allow President elect Trump a pass and stop watching what the president is doing.
Consider that conservative presidents have actually created great opportunities for progressive presidents and that it is possible to loose a greater amount of liberty under a conservative that under a progressive because we give them a blank check.
Consider that President Bush brought us the Patriot Act that allowed spying on American and world citizens but that his actions allowed President Obama to restrict our liberties of speech and religion more than ever in American history.
There is also a fairly solid line between Woodrow Wilson to Adolph Hitler to Joseph Stalin and FDR, these leaders may have opposed each other in one way or another but they led us in the same direction to where we now find ourselves.
The fact is that we can not trust any leader not subject to the Lordship and leadership of Jesus Christ and that the further away from God a leader is, the further from liberty and justice that leader will become.
Believers in Jesus Christ must be more vigilant under a conservative leader because we agree with them on more issues and can be lulled into a false sense of security. We must watch all the more because the thief comes when you least expect him to come.
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