The Mighty One Has Spoken…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


The Mighty One Has Spoken…


Father, thank you for watching over Your Word. You said in Psalm 50 The mighty one, God the Lord Has spoken and called the earth from the rising of the sun to its going down. Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God will shine forth. You said to gather my saints together to those who made a covenant. You said to call on you in day of trouble and you will deliver us and we shall glorify you. Yes!

You speak clearly to the wicked as they hate Your instruction and cast Your Words behind them. May they turn from their wickedness we pray. 

Thank you for showing yourself strong on the earth today. May God’s people continue to rise up and stand for what is right. The world belongs to you and it’s fullness. May man never forget these words as we keep our eyes fixed upon You and Your Word.

Hallelujah, He reigns!

Have a blessed day beautiful people, thank Him for speaking on the earth today.   

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