Good Morning Beautiful People…Who Is Missing In Your Family Portrait?


Who Is Missing In Your Family Portrait?

Good morning beautiful people.  Thank God for your life today, you could have been aborted. I just had to share this with you. I have so many questions to ask the Family Research Council, so many. I guess that’s another reason, I am travelling to Washington, D.C.

Recently on my radio broadcast Destiny Moments, I interviewed Linda Cochrane, R.N. Northeastern University. Linda has served in pregnancy care ministries for the past 32 years. She is the CEO for the Hopeline Pregnancy Resource Center in Danbury, Connecticut where she has served for the past 20 years. Linda first volunteered at the Crisis pregnancy Center in Tucson, Arizona, where her first Bible Study Forgiven and Set Free was written. This study helps women recover from their abortion experience.

I heard Linda speak at the Pregnancy Care Center of Aroostook Banquet here in Presque Isle, Maine. A Time To Heal the evening was so eloquently named. A wonderful evening as the community came together for such a time as this.

One question I asked Linda that I can’t seem to get off my inquisitive mind, and  has caused me to want to dig deeper into the issue. I asked Linda how abortion affects families. One part of her answer from this humble woman, really impacted me. She stated that over fifty percent of the relationships break up after the trauma of an abortion. Wow, over fifty percent of the relationships can’t handle the impact. I think of all the divorced people I know (including myself), as well as all the unmarried relationships that didn’t make it. The grief, the anger, the inability to communicate what happened, all break away at the relationship, she said. Tune in Saturday 11/12/16 WFST 600 AM 12:05 PM EST or by streaming audio for my full interview with Linda Cochrane

I am back on my knees this early morning, praying to the Creator of the Universe to reveal truth to the American people. We soon will be going to the polls. The lie we have been fed about a blob of tissue is just that, a lie. I look in my Bible to see if I can find any such words and there are none. The whole Bible is about life and His plan.

Oh God, please help us. Please forgive us for being so ignorant of your Word. You said in Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. That is so true.

Father, on behalf of every woman that has been exploited by abortion, I pray you will heal them as only you can. For the many women contemplating abortion today, thank you for removing the scales from their eyes. I pray Lord, they will be well informed and that they too will see and know the truth by the power of your Holy Spirit. 

Oh God, we continue to pray for America. We continue to ask you to come and heal our land. Father, on behalf of our great nation, thank you for being a God that hears and answers prayer. Thank you for hearing when we call. Thank you for pouring out your spirit. Amen


Have a blessed day beautiful people, enjoy your day. Please vote according to the Word of God.


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