Pictured are Pat Fisher playing the piano and Shari Johnson playing the fiddle at the Windom Revival which was August 26th and 27th, but the Revival Fire continues. Also pictured is one of our visits to a retirement home in Windom, where I got to see many friends!
I just got a call from Clara Nelson of Windom, Minnesota! (Clara was one of the leaders of the 1972 Lowell Lundstrom Revival in Windom, and now she is our prayer warrior for the Windom Revival) What an encouragement! Clara and her friends are keeping the Revival going in Windom, stoking the Revival fire with their prayers for Windom and the surrounding area. Clara told me, “We are not going to let the Revival end…we are praying it through!” It is such a blessing to see the Revival fire continue in Windom. Clara is making a poster of all the writings and pictures that Dave Fjeld did before, during and after the Revival. Clara and her group have also purchased the DVD set of both nights of the Revival from Buckwheat Johnson! Order yours by calling 1-800-558-2023. Clara told me that viewing the DVD set has been such a blessing! Remember friends, the only one who ends Revival, is us, God does not! I beleive God intends us to always be in Revival mode. Amen!
The 2 DVD’s are for sale from BJ Video Productions PO Box 103 Windom, Minnesota 56101 or call 1-800-558-2023. Just $36.00.
FGGAM is also airing a 5 minute devotional on KDOM 1580 AM and 94.3 FM on Sundays at 7:45am to help keep the Revival Fires going! We thank our supporters for making this possible by your love offerings and the scripture postings in the Cottonwood County Citizen are also a gift from FGGAM supporters. WOW! AWE of GOD!!!!
All for God’s Glory Alone!
Friday I got a love note and a package of goodies from Gene Duerksen of Delft, Minnesota, expressing his love to us! he is also a prayer warrior for Revival! Gene and his wife, Margaret are the stewards of Maranatha Ministries.
We are hearing from folks every week from the Windom area! We praise God for our new friends and for their desire for MORE REVIVAL!
I pray you are blessed by this podcast.
Read all of Mark 8 and Hebrews 12:1-4