KOAT TV REPORTS: 40 Dogs Dead On Albuquerque’s West Side


I have been on the phone this morning talking to news reporters and my freind Veterinarian Steve Hopkins. Many dogs have died on Alnuquerque’s westside, up to 40, and 39 are ill. What is causing this? Someone out poisoning dogs? We do not know at this point, but please be on the lookout. Let us pray the cause can be found. Thank you to KOAT TV for bringing this to our attention.  KOAT TV REPORT

Make sure before letting your dog out that your yard is clean of any poison.

By the way I learned from talking to Dr. Hopkins that Xylitol, used in sugarless gum can kill dogs…..some of mentioned that maybe sugarless gum was thrown to some of the dogs or thrown over fences. Regardless be aware that Xylitol can kill our dogs!

Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs | VCA Animal Hospitals


Products that may contain xylitol include sugar-free gum, candies, breath mints, baked goods, cough syrup, children’s chewable vitamins, mouthwash, and toothpaste, to list a few. … Even small amounts of xylitol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, liver failure or …

Xylitol Deadly to Dogs? : snopes.com

www.snopes.com › Fact Check › Critter Country › Crusader Habit


Xylitol, a sugar substitute used in sugar-free gum and other products, can be harmful to dogs. … Anyway, Zelda got into a half pack (thank God only half) of Orbit sugar free gum. … Well, apparently the sweetener Xylitol that seems to be in every pack of sugar free gum around is VERY …

Xylitol Poisoning – Pet Insurance


Xylitol Poisoning. Sugar Substitute Is Toxic To Pets. Xylitol gum. Xylitol is a sugar substitute commonly used in toothpastes, mouthwash, sugarless gum, certain …

Xylitol and Dogs – Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs – Gum and Dogs


My dog ate gum – is gum bad for dogs? Yes! Xylitol, an ingredient in gum, is poisonous to dogs. If your dog ingested gum (xylitol), call your vet or 800-213-6680.

Xylitol: The “sugar-free” sweetener your dog NEEDS you to know about


Aug 10, 2015 – Xylitol is toxic to dogs. It can be far-more-dangerous to dogs than chocolate! Read product labels carefully; xylitol is creeping into more …

Toxicity from Gum, Candy, and Toothpaste in Dogs | petMD

www.petmd.com › Dog Conditions

Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs can be caused by gums, candies, toothpastes, … g/kg of xylitol) may be considered a toxic dose of xylitol, depending on the dog’s weight.

Xylitol Poisoning In Dogs: A Deadly Sugar Substitue

www.pethealthnetwork.com › Dog Health › Dog Toxins & Poisons

Jan 31, 2014 – While this is likely good for you, it’s potentially very dangerous for your dog. The problem is that many sugar-free products contain xylitol.

Veterinary Q&A: Why is xylitol so dangerous for dogs and cats? | The …


The Seattle Times

Jul 11, 2012 – Sugar-free chewing gum is the most common cause of dogs that present to the emergency room. However, the recent introduction of xylitol as a …

Did You Know That Xylitol Is Dangerous To Your Dog ?


Explains the Cause and Treatment Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs.

[PDF]New findings on the effects of xylitol ingestion in dogs – ASPCApro.org


by EK Dunayer – ‎2006 – ‎Cited by 25 – ‎Related articles

Once thought to cause only hypoglycemia in dogs, this sugar substitute has recently been … dogs, intravenous xylitol caused a dose-related release of insulin, greater than the ….. Toxic, metabolic, infectious, and neoplas- tic liver diseases.

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