When God invites you to be involved in His activity, He wants to reveal Himself to you and to a watching world. Therefore, He will give you a God-sized assignment. We just went through that at the Windom Revival! WOW! Did God Move! YES HE DID! HE STILL IS MOVING! AMEN! When you are confronted with such a task, you will face a crisis of belief. You will have to decide what you really beleive about God who called you, and the way you respond to God will reveal what you believe, regardless of what you say. Following God requires faith and action. Without faith you cannot please God. And without action, your faith is dead. See James 2:26. Hebrews 11 is sometimes referred to as “the roll call of faith” The people listed took action that demonstrated faith. Please, today, study Hebrews 11, very timely.