Let Him In Your House Today…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Let Him In Your House Today…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Ey64ViipM&w=420&h=315]

Let’s Pray…

Father, thank you for being in our lives today. Man has so many plans, but when you are involved, it’s the best plan. Fear, pain, worry, sickness, disease can all be laid down. You stir things up Jesus. It doesn’t need to look like what we think or desire, it’s all about you and all for your glory.

We are just blessed that you allow us to be a part of the work you are doing here on the earth. May we never take for granted the privilege it is to be part of building your kingdom.

Today, use us to be a light to the darkness in this world. God use us to be carriers of hope. Jesus, we tear the roof off of any doubt, fear and unbelief for people all across this globe. Show yourself mighty today in their lives and ours too. You are the all powerful, all sufficient one. There is no lone rangers in you.

All across this globe today Jesus Is In The House…No matter what your situation is talk to Him (pray) and get Him involved.

Head to church today. Go somewhere where they teach and preach the Word of God (Bible). Study for yourself too. Stir yourself up today. Jesus is in the house. Amen  

Have A Blessed Day, For this is the Day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it.

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