Many years ago, as God was leading me to organize many prayer ministries, He gave me a faithful Church Prayer Coordinator in Valerie Crawford. She was extremely helpful to me in those beginning days. God had shared with her and me separately, that our church was to experience a week of prayer in the summer of ’93. On the day of celebration, concluding the week of prayer, Valerie shared with the church the following poem she had written during the week. She had attached it to a sketch I had hastily drawn. Valerie, though much younger than I, went home with the LORD a few years back. I thought some might see some value in her poem; I share in her memory:
Jesus Holds the United States in His Arms
“Oh Jesus, I saw an awesome vision As I was kneeling with You in prayer. You were holding the United States In Your arms – And both its beauty and disgrace Were laid bare.
“Tears were running down Your face, And a look of love and hurt and pain. The picture I saw cut right through me, “Oh Jesus! . . . let me help You!” I started to explain.
Then I stopped – startled at what I’d said. “Oh LORD . . . is it proper for me to help You? I’ve always been taught that You’re the One Who’s there to see us through.
I never thought about You needing help, dear LORD, But, I see Your pain and I feel I must try! How can I help and comfort You, LORD? I must do something other than kneel here And cry!”
“No, My child . . . that’s exactly what you must do, If you want to ease My hurt and pain. Your tears and concern give Me comfort, And, your prayers bring new strength again.
“I weep and am hurting for this country of yours, For she has strayed so far from My Word. She has abandoned and forsaken God’s principles, And, many of her people have never heard.
“Look at Her – She once was full of beauty, Not just Her land, but Her people, too! They came here for freedom to worship God, And, founded Her on principles that were true.
“The people were strong, and faithful, and just. They lived by My Word and followed Its Law. But, over the years – they’ve slowly slipped away. Now . . . only a few . . . does My Word seem to draw.” –
“But, what can I do to help You, LORD? The task seems too hard to handle!” – “Just pray for your country and remain strong and True – And, don’t let the Light go out on your candle.
“Pray for Revival, and Repentance, and Release – Pray for your Pastors and Churches! Christians need to be out preaching and teaching – Not sitting on comfortable perches!
“No . . . you may not be able to do everything. But, by Prayer – everything can be done! And, by tears everything can be made clean again, And, Repentance and Revival begun!”
— 2 Chronicles 7:14 – Valerie Crawford 1993