Friday, August 12, 2016
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary L. Bauer
Then & Now
More than 40 years ago, the nation was shocked by the leak and subsequent publication of the Pentagon Papers. What they revealed was that the Nixon Administration had been lying to the American people about the Vietnam War and how difficult that conflict truly was.
What was scandalous then — misleading the public on matters of national security — is the way Obama routinely conducts business now.
When Obama negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran, the administration lied to reporters about secret negotiations and misled Congress and the American people.
Every prisoner in the terrorist detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was subject to a thorough security evaluation conducted by the CIA when they were captured. The terrorists who represented the greatest threat were clearly labeled as unsafe for transfer. Under Obama, those security evaluations are being rewritten so they can be transferred.
Mark my words: Before Obama leaves office, he will do everything he can to empty Gitmo, even if it means more Americans may die.
When we paid Iran a ransom for the release of American hostages, the Obama Administration acted like a crime syndicate — secretly flying $400 million in foreign currency, loaded onto an unmarked cargo plane, to Tehran in the dark of night. The cash was a portion of the $1.7 billion Iran was claiming as its own. The administration has acknowledged that the rest of the money was transferred too, but it isrefusing to answer legitimate questions about how it was done.
When Al Qaeda terrorists murdered four Americans in Benghazi, Obama blamed it on a video. When Islamists blow us up, he labels it work place violence and insists it is anything other than radical Islamic terrorism.
When Russia began executing aggressive military maneuvers — buzzing U.S. ships and flying bombers to the edge of U.S. airspace — the Obama Administration tried to prevent the public from knowing about it. This really is a serious issue. Obama’s weakness is routinely mocked in Russian media.
A congressional taskforce concluded that critical intelligence information related to the war against ISIS was manipulated to paint a far rosier picture than actual events on the ground warranted.
When it comes to our security, Obama has constantly misled us in a way that puts the country in greater danger. That danger will persist long after he leaves office.
Fighting Christian Genocide
Earlier this week, I joined a coalition of religious leaders and conservative activists in calling upon the national media to devote more attention to the plight of persecuted Christians in the Middle East. We are constantly subjected to stories about alleged bigotry against Muslims in America. Often the reports are as silly as bacon being found at a mosque.
And while the media obsess over pork products, Christians in much of what is called “the Islamic world” are facing genocide. They are subject to rape, torture, beheadings and crucifixion. Churches, homes and schools are bombed and burned. Religious sites are desecrated.
Yet the media rarely report on these atrocities. And, just like the left’s aversion to the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism,” the media almost never call it what it is — genocide.
You can read our letter here.
NFL Disses Cops
After five Dallas police officers were assassinated, the Dallas Cowboys began wearing “Arm-in-Arm” stickers on their helmets during practices to honor the police. The team asked the National Football League for permission to continue wearing the stickers during the regular season, but the NFL rejected their request.
One sports writer applauded the NFL for not “opening this political door.” Really? Don’t talk to me about politics.
This is the same NFL that invited Beyonce to perform an anti-police tribute to the Black Panthers at the Super Bowl!
This is the same NFL that came down on the state of North Carolina like a ton of bricks because it believes men should not be in women’s restrooms.
Not surprisingly, Sergeant Demetrick Pennie of the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation was furious with the decision. He told Breitbart Texas, “We’re talking about the loss of five police officers. We’re not talking about Obamacare . . . There’s no greater honor than what the [Dallas Cowboys] did for us. This is above politics.”
Rather than making an exception for the Cowboys, Sgt. Pennie added, “The NFL is in a very influential position and has the ability to evoke change, raise awareness and show its support for law enforcement by making the decals available to all NFL teams.” That would have been the right decision.
Join Me In D.C.!
Join me for the 2016 Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., September 9th – 11th. The Values Voter Summit is sponsored by American Values, AFA Action, the Center for Christian Statesmanship, the Family Research Council, FRC Action, First Liberty and United in Purpose.
Speakers at this year’s Summit include:
- 2016 Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump
- Gov. Matt Bevin (R-KY)
- Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)
- Dr. James Dobson
- Lt. Gov. Dan Forest (R-NC)
- Sen. James Lankford (R-OK)
- Lt. Col. Oliver North
- Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and many more.Breakout sessions will include a wide range of topics from engaging the Millennial generation and mobilizing the Christian vote to defending religious liberty and how the United States deals with Iran. Saturday evening will feature a gala dinner honoring my friend Dr. Bill Bennett for his decades of service on cultural, education and political issues.Click here to learn more or to register online.I look forward to seeing you there!
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