The Most Wonderful Life


I have so much to share with you since we returned from Colorado! We were blessed to marry son Michael and Tina! I was blessed to do the ceremony! We got to spend time with granddaughter Lilith, who is pictured atop with the other flower girl looking out the window… precious! Daughter Stephanie and son-in-law Patrick hosted us at their house! So many emotions during this time about life, marriage and then the passing of Norm. Please listen to the entire podcast.

I have included pictures of Sharon and Michael, Tina and Michael, sorry I do not have a better picture of them, but I was busy! LOL! Pictures also of Pastor Ricky Gordon of FGGAM and myself with Norm.

Saturday at 6pm my Dear friend and mentor Norm Merlock passed onto glory! I cannot do justice in telling you how much I loved and respected this man of God. 2 weeks ago Pastor Ricky Gordon of FGGAMNorm Mand I visited Norm in the hospital. During that visit Norm taught me and Pastor Ricky much about the book of Revelation. To me, Norm was also a theologian, a teacher unlike any other I have had. Norm not only knew God’s Word, he lived it! He was a walking BIBLE! That is what I want to do. LIVE IT!!! Norm now is living in glory with our Lord. In the hospital, Norm told us that he would be going home to hospice care and that, “IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL”

Norm taught me how to end life here on earth.

I want that peace that Norm had here on earth, then to be received into glory.

I want to be a shining light for Jesus Christ here on earth in my remaining days like Norm.

I want to give the peace of the Lord to others like Norm did.

I want to help people in their relationship with Jesus, like Norm did.

I want to be able to say, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL, like Norm did.

Please keep Norm’s wife, Kathy in your prayers. I had a wonderful visit with Norm and Kathy Saturday afternoon around 2pm, as the Lord said, Go visit, so I did! The Lord then called Norm home at 6pm.

Kathy is also a walking Bible, what a powerful, glowing couple, Norm and Kathy! Forever!

How are you and the Lord getting along today?

Is all well with your soul?

Are you at peace? The peace that only Jesus can give?

Can we help you?

Heaven is a prepared place, are you prepared for Heaven?Sharon and MikeMike and TinaNorm and RickyDewey and Norm

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