It Is Time For The World To Hear The Lion’s Roar From Christians


Here is a note we got from a reader……..

Dewey, I want to thank you for your steadfast defense of God’s word. I am always uplifted by your courage to stand up in this world and shout your faith and the moral convictions that go with it. It is time for the world to hear the lion’s roar from Christians.

Shannon Hall Merewether of Albuquerque

We do appreciate the sweet words of all our readers and listeners! Your words fuel us to go on!

Proverbs 16:24….Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

FGGAM will be 4 years young in August 2016! PTL! All for God!

Please pray for the Windom, Minnesota Revival on August 26th and 27th!

I weep for my country as it struggles for survival. This is not the America I wanted to leave my children and grandchildren. I will occupy and proclaim the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ until He returns, I will not retreat, I will stand in the gap for God. We must stop the hate, we pray for unityDewey Services in America and in the Church. Way too much hate in America and on Facebook. I have learned this from my Lord: Whatever your position is on anything, if you cannot do it in love, your a clanging cymbal and your message is worthless. Read 1 Corinthians 13. Thanks to Chuck Tate for that! Correcting behavior needs to be done in love. Nothing roars like the love of our Lord Jesus Christ! People will be attracted to your love of Jesus and of them, they will stay away from you if hate spews from your mouth.

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