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Turkey Hit By Terror Bombing Spree


Turkey Hit by Terror Bombing Spree

A car bomb attack on a police station in southeast Turkey killed two people and wounded many more Wednesday morning, a day after 11 people were killed when a car bomb detonated near a police bus in central Istanbul. The Kurdish PKK faction was believed responsible for Wednesday’s attack while there was no immediate claims of responsibility for the attack Tuesday in Istanbul.

IS Under Pressure but Increasing Terror Attacks

The battle against the Islamic State (IS) terror militia intensified in northern Syria and parts of Iraq this week, with a coalition including US-backed factions, Iranian-backed Shi’ite militias and rival Islamic terror militias pressing in on IS positions on several fronts, backed up by air strikes from the US, Russia and a handful of other countries. Opposition forces expressed optimism that IS will soon be defeated on the battlefields of the Middle East, even as the terror militia has opened a new front of terror operations in several countries.
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