Heart Disease


Heart Disease By Alan Wimbish

Guns don’t kill people. The evil in man’s heart is what kills people. The first man ever born, Cain, was a murderer; he didn’t use a gun. It’s gone downhill ever since then. Man has always found ways to kill each other. In countries where guns are outlawed, murderers have gone on rampages using knives, swords, bombs, etc. Jim Jones, the cult preacher, killed 909 people using Kool-Aid in 1978. No one has tried to ban Kool-Aid (and that stuff’s gross). Before 9/11, this was the worst death toll of civilian lives from a non-natural disaster situation. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it.” (Jeremiah 17:9 KJV). That word “wicked” is a Hebrew word meaning “sick, incurable”.

Man has a fatal disease and it originates in the heart. It is incurable. It’s name is sin and we’re all infected with it. It causes hateful thoughts toward others. It causes lustful thoughts. The sin arises in the mind and the seed is planted in the heart, where, if acted upon, manifest itself in lies, murder, homosexuality, adultury, fornication, hate, etc. But the sin is already committed in the heart. Jesus said, if a man looks upon a woman with lust in his heart, he has commited adultery with her, (Matthew 5:28). The problem lies in the heart. Making laws doesn’t keep people from committing crime. It only gives the government the ability to prosecute someone who breaks the law. Most of us abide by the law out of a basic sense of morality that is shared by most cultures throughout the world. But that sense of morality is beginning to unravel. People are doing what is right in their own eyes (Judges 17:6) In the Bible, this always happened when there was no King, or lack of godly leadership. Godly leadership is what this country is missing. I believe that many of the founding fathers of this country where Christians, some were not. But all of them had a core, foundational understanding of Christianity which permeated their lives and manifested itself in a sense of right and wrong, light and dark, law and lawlessness. Our Constitution is based on this. America is reaping what it has sown for the past 40+ years. Throwing off the restraints of God; saying, “We have no King but Caesar!” America has been left to make up it’s own sense of right and wrong, which changes like the wind. Without a moral compass, a true north, this country is lost. No, the problem is not guns or any other problem that can gripe about. These are just outward manifestations of an inward problem.

The problem is SIN! People need JESUS! The answer to the disease is Jesus, but our country is constantly throwing up it’s fist at God and saying, “We’ll not have you to rule over us!” Meanwhile the disease gets worse and worse and eventually kills. It’s like a terminally ill patient who is confronted by a doctor who tells that dying person, “I have a cure for your terminal illness!” But the terminally ill patient says to the doctor, “No thanks, I’ll find a cure on my own.” Pray for America. Pray for the children! They are the ones that will determine the direction of this country in twenty years. Pray that God will raise up a generation that calls out to Him again! It is possible to see God work again. The ship is not completely lost. America has always been the shining light to this world. Our country will never be destroyed from the outside, it will come from the inside; a terminal illness called sin with only one solution – Jesus.

Alan Wimbish cefofnewmexico@gmail.com

Child Evangelism Fellowship of New Mexico

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