Don’t Bail Out On God!


Welcome to another day here in the classroom of God! Hold onto Hope! Don’t bail on God! Don’t give up when you begin to think God has failed you! Hebrews 10:23….”Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Do you remember what a promise is? It is a Declaration that one will do something specific. “A promise is the assurance that God gives His people so they can walk by faith while they wait for Him to work.” Hebrews 10:36…..”You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” Now listen to this podcast please.please share this message with the world, for God’s glory alone! Amen!

Thank you for stopping by at the classroom of God! PTL! Amen!

Pastor Garland Moore, “The world has no future at all, but we as God’s people do!”

Dewey and Sharon in Oct

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