Thursday, May 26, 2016
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary L. Bauer
Multiple media outlets are reporting that Donald Trump has secured the backing of the required number of GOP delegates to make him the 2016 Republican presidential nominee.
The Associated Press has reportedly been conducting interviews with uncommitted or unbound delegates. Their discussions revealed that a sufficient number of them planned to support Trump, enough for him to win at least 1,239 votes on the first ballot — two more than the necessary majority of 1,237.
The States vs. Obama
Once again a coalition of states is going into federal court seeking to roll back yet another outrageous abuse of executive power by the Obama Administration. From Obamacare to environmental regulation, this is becoming a routine event.
The issue in this case is Obama’s bizarre redefinition of bathroom policies. Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin joined the state of Texas in seeking an injunction against Obama’s order.
The lawsuit accuses the administration of turning “workplace and educational settings across the country into laboratories for a massive social experiment, flouting the democratic process, and running roughshod over commonsense policies protecting children and basic privacy rights.”
The states presented numerous arguments against the Obama Administration, ranging from broad constitutional issues, such as violations of the 10th Amendment and the separation of powers, to violations of specific laws.
They may have the most success, at least initially, on this last point. The Administrative Procedure Act requires the government to submit significant new regulations to a public notice-and-comment period. The Obama Administration did not do that. Undoubtedly, the bureaucrats feared the deluge of comments they would get in response.
It was also that very point that torpedoed Obama’s executive amnesty orders.
The Dead Are Voting
Perhaps it is a sign of the zombie apocalypse, but I suspect something far more sinister. The dead are voting.
Kudos to the Los Angeles CBS affiliate for doing some outstanding investigative journalism. Their research found hundreds of voters were still casting ballots years after they had passed away.
In one case a man who died in 2003 voted in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2010. One woman who died in 1998 was still voting in 2014!
Liberals dismiss popular voter ID laws as discriminatory and “solutions in search of a problem.” Well, don’t let anyone tell you that voter fraud isn’t a serious issue. If the dead are voting, we’ve got big problems.
Are you registered to vote? How about your friends and family members? You can’t vote unless you are registered. Register today.
Bad News For Millennials
Millennials, who fell so hard for the hype about hope and change, continue to suffer economically. A new survey by the Pew Research Center finds that the most common living arrangements for young adults is . . . living at home with mom and dad.
Parents, if you want your kids to thrive economically (and move out of your house), engage them in a conversation about economics. Evidently, they are learning the wrong things in school.
But here’s some good economic news. A business in Michigan has posted a sign reading, “Now Hiring Class of 2016.” Whoops. Nevermind. It’s a strip club looking to hire girls straight out of high school.
Then again, I suppose they don’t really have to be girls. I hope the owner realizes the legal risks he may be taking given the Obama Administration’s evolving views of gender identity.
72 What?!
Radical Islam’s war against Western Civilization may be coming to an abrupt end. And if it does, we can all thank CNN’s Fareed Zakariah.
Over the weekend, Zakariah hosted a special entitled “Why They Hate Us,” in which he interviewed Islamic scholar Irshad Manji. According to Manji, the idea that the Koran promises jihadi martyrs 72 virgins is all wrong:
“The word for virgin has been mistranslated. The original word that was used in the Koran was the word for raisin. Martyrs would get raisins in heaven, not virgins.”
When this news spreads throughout the Islamic world, I suspect many jihadis will drop their guns, rip off their bomb vests and go home.
All joking aside, I can’t believe 15 years after 9/11, Zakariah is still asking why they hate us. And I also have trouble believing that western progressives understand Islam better than the Islamists. Perhaps Barack Obama can ask his pen pal Ayatollah Khamenei to translate for us.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether they are fighting over raisins or virgins. What matters is whether we can muster the political will to defeat them before they defeat us.
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