I Remember


I Remember by Alan Wimbish CEF of New Mexico

I remember. I remember everyone who had a part in bringing me to faith in Christ. When I put my faith and trust in Christ, I was in a battle; a spiritual battle. I was on the cusp of my teenage years. The enemy had his elite warriors ready to ambush me at every turn. My sinful nature was ready to sabotage my life at a moment’s notice. And then, by God’s grace, my mind was illuminated by the Holy Spirit. God used an army of His warriors to share the Gospel with me over the course of my young life. During the summer that I turned thirteen, I came to faith in Christ. The battle had been won and another soul was saved by the blood of Christ. That “army” I spoke of was essential to my come to Christ. It started with my mother DRAGGING me to church every Sunday as a child. While at church, a dedicated platoon of front line soldiers, Sunday School teachers, taught me and showed me the love of God. A passionate Captain, the Pastor, preached the Gospel to my ears. A legion of support staff guided me and molded me to understand that God is real, that He loves me, died, and rose again for me. Memorial Day is coming up. A day to remember those who have died in active military service. Those who have died in active military service defending this great nation. They were willing to die in battle because they believed that what they were fighting for was worth more than their very lives. This country has some very real enemies. I thank God for men like my father, who proudly served this country during WWII, who saw the value in defending America against present enemies and to secure the nation for future generations. Spiritually, we, the Church, are in a battle that doesn’t stop. It rages on, and on, and on, and will not end until the Lord comes back for His Bride. Until then, there are children just like I was, who are walking across a battlefield every day. The enemy has his sights trained on them and is ready to fire his weapons of drugs, suicide, addiction, pornography, anger, etc, on them. We, the Church, must be the ones who will fight for the children, because we see the eternal value of their souls. We see them for what they can be IF they will trust in Jesus. We must value them as the Father values them, “Even so, it is not the will of the Father, that one of these little one’s should perish.” Mt 18:14. God has put a great value on the children of this world; on the children of New Mexico. The battle is real! You are part of that “army”. Will you be the one to help reach the lost boys and girls of New Mexico? Child Evangelism Fellowship of New Mexico needs you to be a part of the Lord’s army to reach the lost boys and girls of this beautiful state. We have the tools you need to fight for the souls of the children. Please contact Child Evangelism Fellowship of New Mexico to find out how you can help reach the lost children of New Mexico for Christ. You may be the one that a child remembers in 20 years as the one who helped when them to Christ.

Child Evangelism Fellowship of New Mexico, Alan Wimbish 505-881-9848 or email cefofnewmexico@gmail.com. Facebook/CEF of New Mexico.

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