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Bees and the Word of God Plus Bruce Jenner Posing Nude on Cover of Sports Illustrated

There is a teaching I give from time to time on Bees and the word of God and I was reminded of it when I learned that Bruce Jenner will be posing nude on the cover of Sports Illustrated wearing nothing but an American flag and his gold metal.

Let me explain what I believe is going on here. In Amos 8:11-12 the Lord declares that people will be searching for the truth of God, His instruction without His righteousness or a willing to obey God but the Lord will allow a famine of truth because people will not recognize God’s authority.

In Hebrew, the word for God’s word is deverim which translates roughly to words of order and it is where the Hebrew name for Deuteronomy is derived, Deverim.

It is clear that God’s instructions bring order out of chaos, a way of living that brings peace and prosperity as well goodness and joy, but what does that have to do with bees.

The same root word found in deverim is found in the Hebrew word for bees, an insect of order and right now there is a serious shortage of bees in the world which is also true for the word of God.

The honeybee has been mysteriously dying off for the last decade or so but something else has been taking its place, the Africanized killer bee.

As the humble honeybee has been disappearing its hives have been susceptible to being taken over by the killer bee because there is little to stop them.

The same could be said of the church around the world. Either from lack of sound doctrine to a loss of true faith the church has been disappearing as we see less people attending these churches that fail to teach from the word of God and there is also little physical or spiritual reproduction and there is something moving in to replace them.

The empty church buildings are being converted into mosques as Islam fills the void left by falling away.

Western nations are weak and sick, this is why Bruce Jenner posing nude on the cover of Sports Illustrated reminded me of this teaching, we now see many of the godless calling for an Islamic replacement of European and American culture and religion.

The illness is life threatening just as the Lord said that it would be. People are looking for truth but because they have rejected the one true God they will not find it. Instead they will find that their rebellion leads them into even more emptiness and a confrontation with Jesus, Himself.

The teaching on bees and the word of God leads to prophetic insight including the four horsemen of the apocalypse but that probably would not interest you, I’m sure. Instead, you should understand that a famine of the word of God will destroy a people and a nation and eventually the world, so beware of the godless and their false wisdom and instead endure sound doctrine found in scripture.

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