ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — New Mexico saw a dip in the number of students who earned diplomas last year, but state education officials …
More news for new mexico graduation rates
Here is a post I wrote in Nov. of 2015 about the problem of NM Schools: We keep reading about all the bad report cards of New Mexico Public Schools, the state just keeps changing things and throwing more money at public education and we get the same results: FAILURE. Could we just let the teachers do what they do best, TEACH! This morning I see in the Albuquerque Journal that New Mexico is one of five states with a drop in the graduation rate. Some rural districts in New Mexico saw a 20 percent drop in high school graduation rates over three years while others had a 15 percent decline in just a year. It seems that the folks in charge of education in New Mexico also continue to fail. Governor Martinez and the head of education Hanna Skandera who gets paid 126,250 a year for her failures. Martinez and Skandera have failed us big time and no one is holding them accountable. It is not the teachers who have failed, it is state government. Martinez ran on an education ticket, and gets an F! The bottom line here is that New Mexico is worse off since Martinez took office. Way to much government interference. Let the teachers teach. Let local school boards and the citizens run their schools. The New Mexico State Legislature also has failed our children over the years and continues to do so, it’s just not education. They also have failed our Law Enforcement Officers and us, bad laws on the books and a bad court system that allows thugs back onto the streets to kill, as KOB TV calls them, boomerang thugs! Same thing with the New Mexico Legislature and its the voters fault……we keep electing bad Legislators, allowing them back in the Roundhouse. Boomerang Legislatures. Now we learned this week that the Federal government is set to clamp down on the use of New Mexico diver’s licenses for getting into federal buildings and onto airplanes. Why do we put up with a so much dysfunction in our state? MORE HERE
Don’t get me started on child poverty in New Mexico, which I have seen. Don’t tell me that we have a Governor and State Legislature that cares. If they truly cared, they themselves would go into the depths of poverty in our state and they themselves would deliver clothing, food, study materials to these children, instead passing them off with another committee meeting or Legislative session.
Who is going to stand in the gap for our children? Who is going to stand in the gap for the poor?
None of these folks stand in the gap for the babies killed by abortion in our state.
Enough of people like State Senator Michael Sanchez, who is probably the most powerful person not only in the Legislature, but in the state. How can he remain in office with all the failures of his leadership? We are worse off.
How do these people sleep at night?
Stop electing professional politicians, who are living off the poor.
Do you see the extreme dysfunction?
What are you going to do about it?