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REPORT: Syrian Regime Using Chemical Weapons


Obama drew a red line with his crayon….and see what happens…Obama retreated just like he did in Yemen and the rest of the world…..The world no longer respects America, we do not stand for much or anything around the world, except chaos. Russia and China are setting up shop in various ways in the Middle East.

Ya’alon; ‘Syrian Regime Using Chemical Weapons’

Israeli Defense Minister Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon told a conference in Tel Aviv Tuesday that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad “used military grade chemical weapons and lately have been using materials, chlorine, against civilians, including in these very days, after the supposed ceasefire.” All sides in the Syrian conflict are accusing their enemies of breaking the cease-fire as the conflict approaches the five-year mark later this month.
American leaders are not paying attention.
From the Jerusalem Post:
Israel says Syria used chemical weapons during ceasefire
Ya’alon made allegation at conference near Tel Aviv.
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