Listen Here For The Easter Cantata From St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church


FGGAm EasterWe are blessed to present to you this beautiful Easter Cantata from St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Esko, Minnesota. The Choir Director is my Dear Friend, Marilyn Johnson Hagen from my hometown of Windom, Minnesota. I asked Marilyn to introduce the Easter Cantata to us…….

Listen as the St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church choir of Esko, Minnesota sings, THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING. This five song Easter musical follows Jesus’ disciples and the extremes of all they must have felt during Passover week. Through beautifully written narration you will feel the joy as Jesus enters Jerusalem, the anger as he was accused and beaten, the hopelessness as He hung on the cross, and the desperation as He died and was buried. Feel what they felt when they discovered that death brings forth life, and because He lives, we too can live forever. THAT changes everything! Listen Here

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