Tuesday, March 22, 2016
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary L. Bauer
ISIS Attacks Brussels
Once again, jihadists have struck in the heart of Europe, this time in Brussels, Belgium. Reports indicate that at least 30 people were killed and more than 180 were wounded after coordinated attacks at an airport and subway station. ISIS has taken credit for the attack.
The Brussels attack follows a bombing over the weekend in Istanbul, Turkey, in which a suicide bomber stalked a group of Israelis. He blew himself up as they were leaving a restaurant, killing four people, including two Americans.
Brussels is the headquarters of NATO. The subway bombing occurred at the station that serves the European parliament. This attack targeted the heart of the European experiment in open borders and multiculturalism. (See more below.)
Paris. San Bernardino. Istanbul. Brussels. Thanks to radical Islam, the ripped flesh and broken bodies of the innocent is becoming the new normal.
Around the world, an increasing number of nations are subjected to organized attacks planned and executed by the soldiers of ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah, along with increasing numbers of so-called “lone wolf” attacks here in the United States.
While the radical Islamists are solely responsible for the carnage, the flaccid policies of multiple governments, including our own, are making the danger far worse.
Open Borders
For decades now, Europeans have attempted to create a world that does not exist, and their citizens are dying as a result. That world is essentially defined as a continent in which nation-states no longer matter, and borders are seen as an impediment to the free flow of goods and people.
It is a nice theory, as long as everybody ignores reality. Some borders run along the old and reemerging Russian empire. Others are near the boiling cauldron of North Africa and the Middle East. The free flow of goods and people has allowed an invading army of unknown size to embed itself in every major European city.
In spite of the growing stack of corpses, political parties in Europe that say the obvious — you can’t have open borders when you are at war with barbarians– are labeled as “fascist” and ostracized by elite opinion. In the United States, any politician who dares to suggest that our borders be secured risks similar scorn.
Not only is Europe encouraging large numbers of people from different cultures to come to the continent, it is failing miserably to integrate them into European values. As a result, there are growing neighborhoods that can be thought of as “Little Baghdad” or “Little Kabul.” In these “no-go zones,” strict interpretations of Islam prevail, and the infection spreads throughout Europe as more and more ISIS fighters return to the continent.
Here in the U.S., while the process is not as far along as it is in Europe, liberal elites bristle at the idea that English should be our official language. They constantly smear our country and history as oppressive (see Obama in Cuba), and they promote separatism, rather than unity, in multiple ways.
We are by no means immune to the same radical Islamic virus that has infected Europe. Minneapolis, Minnesota, of all places, is a center of Somali immigration. It has provided more recruits for Islamic jihad than any other city in America.
When conservatives have dared to suggest that we should be monitoring mosques more closely, elite opinion makers are aghast and repulsed. But a new study finds that textbooks affiliated with hundreds of Islamic schools right here in the U.S. are critical of America and biased against Israel.
Meanwhile, through his rhetoric and actions, Barack Obama continues to feed the notion that American Muslims are victims, that Middle Americans are bigots and that there is an epidemic of anti-Islamic hate crimes in America.
American Muslims are not victims. They left countries where they likely would have been victims and came to the freest nation on earth. The American people have been admirably restrained in the face of a series of Islamic-inspired attacks. According to FBI statistics, the overwhelming majority of religiously-biased hate crimes are committed against Jews, not Muslims.
Meanwhile, the president is spending the day in Cuba, which has a Hezbollah base. And all our media can do is talk about the great new market place that may open up.
Castro Castigates America. . . Obama Agrees
Yesterday’s joint press conference between Barack Obama and Raul Castro was a sorry spectacle to behold. Predictably, Castro launched into a tirade against America, castigating us for a variety of alleged sins and human rights violations. Obama’s defense of our values was about as limp as his wrist.
At one point Obama said, “I actually welcome President Castro commenting on some of the areas where he feels that we’re falling short.”
Of course, any American conservative who tells Obama where he is falling short is quickly branded a bigot. But when it comes to the Marxist Castro, Obama welcomes the critique.
Cubans have been fleeing the “workers’ paradise” for decades. Even after the supposed thaw in relations, they are still choosing to leave, coming across the Texas border in record numbers.
But there’s more. Castro also lectured Obama about a favorite left-wing theme — the notion that women in America are paid less for equal work. Sadly, Obama didn’t have the courage to remind Castro that equal pay for equal work in Cuba amounts to about $20 a month for men and women. Isn’t socialism wonderful? Everyone is equally poor!
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