Opioid and Heroin Continue to Kill Many in Rio Arriba Co. NM, I Hate Evil!


News and Views threeThe New Mexico Legislature has gone home, many of them are patting themselves on the back, telling us they did a good job, but the death and pain of New Mexicans continue. We are killing ourselves, with abortion, drugs, DWI, murder…etc. It is a death cycle. It is a heart issue. You can pass all the laws you want, but until hearts are rooted in Jesus, this death cycle will continue. This story continues to break my heart. I love the people of Rio Arriba County, New Mexico they have been so very nice to me and Sharon and FGGAM. Years ago when I managed KKIM, we put on KKIM FM Christian radio for northern New Mexico, it reached the people in that County and into southern Colorado, so many called and wrote of their love for the Good News of Jesus Christ. When I started to visit that area and being invited to preach, my heart broke at the stories of deaths caused by drug overdoses. It is a cycle only God can break. I have been praying about a REVIVAL in the Chama area. My heart aches at all the children who have died. I visited a young lady in a nursing home in Santa Fe years ago, a young mother who overdosed on heroin and was left in a condition where she was “just existing” unable to communicate, she had suffered severe brain damage. I repeat, only God can end this madness. Our house was broken into a couple of years ago by a heroin addict. One of my best friends has a son who battles that hell everyday. The Church, and all people of New Mexico need to focus on this awful epidemic, it is killing the lives of many, it is destroying families, it is destroying the future of New Mexico, just like abortion.  I am thankful for this story by Caleb James KOB TV STORY HERE

We must live holy lives lives. Everything we do must be holy.

We must fear God……

The person who fears God has nothing to hide; in fact, he or she is scared to be away from God!

Therefore, the first definition of the fear of the Lord is simply to be terrified of being away from God. To fear God is to venerate HIM. We overwhelmingly respect, honor, esteem and reverence HIM beyond anything or anyone else.

This is why we are told, “All who fear the LORD will hate evil” Proverbs 8:13

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