Joel Rosenberg:


Update: “The First Hostage” hits Publishers Weekly best-seller list for 4th straight week.

By Joel C. Rosenberg (@joelcrosenberg on Twitter)

(Washington, D.C., February 1, 2016) — After months of speeches, interviews and TV ads, the actual voting in the 2016 presidential campaign begins tonight in Iowa, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Above all, I ask my readers who are devout Christians to be praying (and perhaps even fasting) all day today. Gather with family and friends to pray for God to show mercy on America, to sovereignly guide the outcome of the Iowa caucuses, and to raise up a humble, strong, wise, Christ-centered leader who has the vision and courage to help turn America around and get us going in the right direction. Above all, this is a spiritual battle for the soul of America. Please be engaged in faithful prayer.

Two out of three Americans know we are on the wrong track, going in the wrong direction. We are heading steadily towards implosion. We’ve murdered some 58 million babies. We have five Justices on the Supreme Court who have decided that the Bible is wrong and they know better than God how to define marriage. We have taken on $18 trillion in debt and there’s no end in sight. We are surrendering to Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and ISIS. Our tax code is corruptingly complex and killing jobs and opportunity. We can’t — or won’t — control our sovereign borders. Our schools are a mess. Violence, drugs and pornography are epidemic. The list goes on and on.

Americans are hurting, frustrated, and many are angry. The question is: Who can get us turned around and heading in the right direction? Can anyone?

As I wrote last August, I’ve been praying about this and studying the Scriptures for many months, asking the Lord for clarity, and here is what I have concluded — America needs a Josiah. A President cannot save America from all our troubles, but leadership matters. Above all, we need a sweeping spiritual revival throughout the Church, based on the principles found in 2 Chronicles 7:14. We need a Great Awakening among those who don’t know Christ personally. We need God to wake up a lost nation from their spiritual slumber to earnestly seek the Lord for individual and national forgiveness and restoration. I’m praying for such sovereign moves of God.

At the same time, I’m praying God raises up a President like Josiah, the one-time King of Judah whom the Bible describes as one of the most humble, strong, wise and impressive leaders of all-time. Obviously, we don’t want a theocracy. So I don’t literally mean America needs a king. And I’m not saying America needs a Pastor-in-Chief or a Theologian-In-Chief. We’re not looking for someone perfect. That will have to await the Second Coming. But before you vote, I strongly encourage you to read the Biblical accounts of Josiah. I believe you will find qualities in his life, his faith, his leadership and his passion for and commitment to making bold, sweeping, transformational change that are benchmarks of the kind of leader we need right now.

I do see several possible candidates who — even with their weaknesses and flaws — could emerge as such a leader, especially with much prayer and wise counselors around them. But I have to be honest with my readers that there is one candidate on the Republican side who is definitely not a Josiah. Donald J. Trump is currently the national front-runner in the GOP, and is leading the pack in Iowa. But he would be a catastrophe for America should he be elected President.

Mr. Trump is trying to convince the country that he is a deeply committed conservative. But all the evidence says he has been a liberal all of his adult life. Even if he has recently changed his views, all we have is his word. There is very little fruit in his life that would indicate that he has had a true change of heart on matters of faith or policy. Indeed, he has said openly that he does not need to repent or ask God for forgiveness.

It would be a mistake to entrust the entire pro-life, pro-marriage movement to a man who has blown up two marriages of his own, boasts of his infidelities, runs gambling and strip clubs, has supported abortion on demand and Planned Parenthood for decades, and talks of appointing his own pro-choice sister to the Supreme Court. It would be a disaster to entrust the economy to a man who has proposed both the biggest tax cut in history (with no plan to pay for it) and the biggest tax increase in history (in 1999). Further, it would be a catastrophe to entrust the security of our nation and our allies to a man who has no foreign policy and national security experience, who clearly doesn’t understand the threat of Radical and Apocalyptic Islam, and who says he gets his military advice from watching Sunday TV talk show.

I realize some — maybe many — of my readers will be angry at what I’m writing. But I have to be honest with my readers about the enormous threat Mr. Trump poses to all that we hold dear. His arrogance, narcissism, greed and lack of respect for women, minorities, and anyone who disagrees with him disqualifies him to be President of the United States. I do pray for Mr. Trump that he will either truly come to personal relationship with Christ through repentance and faith, or — if he has already made that decision — will humbly seek discipleship and grow in his new faith. But even if he’s a new convert, he is not ready to be president.

Thus, I am deeply concerned that so many professed Evangelical Christians are supporting Mr. Trump. Perhaps they haven’t looked carefully at his life, his statements, his record, his leadership, his allies, and his flip-flops.

On the blog, I’ve posted 32 reasons a Trump presidency would be a catastrophe for America. Each is a direct headline, based on specific statements by Mr. Trump. (There are many more. But this is plenty for reasonable people to consider.) Please carefully review this, and please share it with family, friends and others on social media. Here are the first five.

1. Trump: I could “shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters” (CNN) — “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot people and I wouldn’t lose voters.”

2.Trump on God: ‘I don’t like to have to ask for forgiveness’

3.Trump: I’ve Never Asked God For Forgiveness For Anything [VIDEO]

4.Donald Trump Would Not Rip Up The Iran Deal

5.Trump: Don’t Just Kill ISIS — Kill Their Wives and Children

To read the full list, and my analysis, please go to the blog —


NOTE: I’m writing this analysis in my personal capacity as an American citizen and an author, not in any way connected to my role in The Joshua Fund. The Joshua Fund is a non-profit organization and does not get involved in political or legislative activity.


* TWITTER — Please track the latest developments @joelcrosenberg.
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To order THE FIRST HOSTAGE in hardcover, e-book, and audio formats, please click here (or visit your favorite bookstore).
To read Joel’s blog, please click here —
NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK: To order your copy of THE THIRD TARGET — about an NYT reporter who uncovers an ISIS plot to use chemical weapons — please click here.

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