Protest Is the Best Way To Kick Off 2016


By Bud Shaver

Each week the ministry of Protest ABQ hosts and organizes peaceful protests in Albuquerque. We’d like to invite you to join us as we peacefully protest those who support, condone or profit from pre-born child killing. All are welcome including children.

There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” Elie Wiesel

Please join us this week in protest of pre-born child killing.

Wednesday Jan. 13th Early Bird Overpass Protest 6000 Brentwood NE.  8AM-9AM
-Why Protest Richard Berry: Mayor Berry
-Why Protest Gov. Susana Martinez: Silent Susana
-Why Protest The University of New Mexico: UNM and Tax Funded Abortions in NM

Thursday Jan. 14th Bank of America Protest

3101 Carlisle Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110

(Park anywhere except Bank of America parking lot.) 12PM-1PM

For more information about why we are protesting Bank of America: #ProtestBOA
Saturday Jan. 16th NEW SATURDAY PROTEST LOCATION Protest Southwestern Women’s Options (522 Lomas NE.) Look for Truth Truck 10AM-11AM
For more about why Albuquerque is considered the Late-Term Abortion Capital of the Nation: Albuquerque, NM Late-Term Abortion Capital
Curtis Boyd ProtestABQ

Protest ABQ is a peaceful awareness campaign launched to educate and stand against the injustice of abortion through a strategic and sustained presence. Protest ABQ strives to educate Albuquerque and New Mexico residents on what abortion really is and what it looks like. While Protest ABQ is opposed to abortion and seeks the reversal of Roe v. Wade and its progeny, Protest ABQ acknowledges that it must do all it can to protect the lives, health, and safety of vulnerable women who are subjected to an abortion and to protect and preserve the life of the unborn child. To get involved with Protest ABQ click here.

Also be sure to “Like” Protest ABQ on Facebook here.

For more information about abortion in New Mexico visit

For those who can’t physically be involved at this time, Protest ABQ is in need of funds to keep up the truck and buy supplies for protests. Donations can be made to Protest ABQ securely online here.
Thank you to everyone who is standing with us to shake up this city and to protest the evil of pre-born child killing.


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