Pastor JhonnyDennis and CathyPRAISE GOD! What a great day it was on Saturday at the First Baptist Church in Reserve, NM to see Dennis Donavon become a Deacon! This comes as the Church welcomed Johnny Roberts as their new Pastor to start the new year! It was a blessing to be there to witness the Glory of God in Pastor Johnny and Deacon Dennis.  Having served at the Church for 2 years, I am so very blessed to see Dennis become a Deacon, as he is a servants, servant. Dennis is also a Volunteer Fireman in Reserve, just an all-around servant of God in Reserve. My dear friend Charles McCargish is the other Deacon at the Church, he has faithfully served the people of God for years in Catron County. It was also such a blessing to meet and talk with Pastor Johnny, what a blessing he will be to the Church! Thank YOU LORD for a full-time Pastor!!! My time in Reserve is over, but the friendships are eternal, I am forever grateful for God sending me to these wonderful people and all that I have learned from my time with them! Thank you! Sharon and I love you all so very much!

Qualifications for Deacons 1 Timothy 3:8-9
8Deacons likewise must be men of dignity, not double-tongued, or addicted to much wine or fond of sordid gain, 9but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.…

Pictures are of me and Deacon Dennis and Pastor Johnny and then me and Dennis and his lovely angel wife Cathy who is also such a wonderful servant to the people of God.

First Baptist Church in Reserve is on fire for our Lord Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!

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