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Why New Mexico? Why?

This is the World We Live In, a presentation of FGGAM.ORG! Lets take a quick look at some of the top news stories around New Mexico this morning. Governor Martinez goes to Texas to raise money while violent crime rages on…..What is she running from? or running for? Why did the Governor not suspend her efforts to raise money for her political future after the deaths of Lilly Garcia and Officer Daniel Webster and call an emergency meeting of officials to discuss violent crime and the rotten Judaical system in New Mexico? I thought she was supposed to be tough on crime? Isn’t that what she told us when she first ran for Governor? Oh, yea, that’s right she also told us she was pro-life! Meanwhile, babies are killed everyday in New Mexico through abortion,  Silent Susana. The Mora, New Mexico School Supt. is FOUND TO BE A FAKE! Charles Trujillo used fake documents to get the job, his Uncle, who is on the board cast the tie-breaking vote to bring Trujillo on board in May. He is now gone. Can’t New Mexico attract solid Supt’s? Albuquerque has the same problem! And then you have ex-Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil wanting her old job back! Ugh!

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