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Thanksgiving or Attitude of Gratitude?

me2I love Thanksgiving!   It has always been a holiday that filled my heart with good feelings.   There are many reasons for this, and of course, food and family have much to do with this, but also, very often my Birthday falls on Thanksgiving.  I have the blessing of that happening again this year.   I will complete my 69th year on Thanksgiving.   Yeah, I know . . . Thanks!

Before I continue, let me say that there is also a sadness that comes over my mind during these holiday weeks.   I’m sure you realize that for many folk these are days of sorrow and depression.   Some have lost loved ones during the seasons, and it is hard to recapture the former joy of the holidays.   Let’s try to be mindful of friends and family who may be struggling.

Also, let’s remember the homeless; especially our homeless veterans.   Let’s try to be extra kind and generous, as there is always someone who needs to see Christ’s love coming through His children.

Thanksgiving.   This is often the one time in the year when some of us make that mindless list of things for which we are thankful.   Please do not take offense, as I am merely pointing out what many do.   Some begin a list on November the first and add something to the list of twenty-something things they are glad to have in their lives.   I have been following some of these lists posted on Face Book every day.   The first couple of days the list are warming to the heart as they appreciate God, family and such, but then the imagination begins to be stretched . . . or, warped.   I have seen folk grateful for coffee, and the ability talk themselves out of a traffic ticket when they had broken a law, then some things I would rather not list.

What I would rather see happening, especially among God’s people, would be the developing of an on-going, everyday, attitude of gratitude being exampled wherever they are and in any circumstance they find themselves experiencing.   But, never mind what I would like to see, what about God?

 “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”   (I Thessalonians 5:18) 

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”   (Ephesians 5:20)

The only way we can do this is to allow the Spirit of God to guide into this attitude of gratitude.   Be grateful for what you have, then find someone to share that with.   Perhaps this Thanksgiving, your generosity toward someone in need will give them cause to be grateful for you.   Go bless another, and in that way be blessed yourself.  And oh, Happy Thanksgiving!

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