Good Morning Beautiful People…Life Is Fragile, Handle With Care


Alyssa Accident

Good Morning Beautiful People, Wow! Social media even reminds you of past events. This morning I was writing my daily post and a memories photo came up on face book of an accident my daughter Alyssa had on Thanksgiving Day, four years ago. We had just finished eating and most of the cleanup had already taken place when it was time for them to go to their next Thanksgiving Dinner.

I had been living in an apartment on the border of our city. On Saturday mornings we held prayer meeting downstairs in an empty law office. Somehow, I always felt this property was a gate keepers property. I would cross the street and walk to the next house to a dear friend. I always joked how I walked from Presque Isle to Easton. People would always respond with a wow, but it was really only next door.

I had just sat down for a few minutes to take a break when the phone rang that Alyssa was in an accident. We hurridly jumped in our car and traveled to the scene. We saw the traffic that was stopped. I couldn’t see her car anywhere. I remember praying on the way, every scripture that I had hidden in my heart about my children and every prophetic Word I ever received on behalf of my kids. I have always tried to take people at their word and that included God Himself. When I dedicated my children to the Lord, I took the promises in the Word of God (Bible) and prayed them over each of them. Although it has been a journey, I kept reminding God that He is not a God that He should lie. What He promised me will come to pass. When I grow tired of waiting, other Christians help me to go back to God’s promises. I wasn’t an expert on raising kids, but one thing I did know was I wanted God Himself to be involved. I knew that if they were anything like their parents, we were going to need some God intervention. Just kidding, maybe.

I first noticed Brooke’s car parked off to the side of the road and as I glanced in the field there Alyssa’s car was flipped upside down. As I ran toward the car, she opened the door and walked out. She said she felt fine- just shaken. We decided it would be best if she was examined at the local emergency room. The ambulance came and put the neck brace on and secured her on the gurney for the ride. (Which I must add she didn’t like and gave them-let’s just say more than a little trouble.) I remember setting in the passenger seat in the ambulance and asking the driver a million and one questions. I thought ambulance drivers knew everything. I’m sure he was glad to drop us both off.

I remember Pastor Andy DeRier coming to pray and check on the situation. Her cousin Ashley had come and she was trying on the neck brace. They were laughing and texting and posting on social media. Ashley thought they should save the neck brace for Halloween. Kaci her sister had already posted a picture. Alyssa wanted her discharge papers as she was ready to leave. She was worried about missing her other Thanksgiving dinner. I remember being a bit embarrassed and thinking we would get in trouble for them being so loud. Then I thought , Oh well, at least were dealing with laughter. Her car was a total loss, but her life was intact.

I remember in church that Sunday, Pastor DeRier announced one family had a close call that week. He thanked the Lord for protecting our daughter. He since has moved on to teach at Faith School of Theology, preparing students to bring the gospel around the globe. Ironically enough, we taped a broadcast for television while at that gate keepers property. Hmmm… With a globe of the world and the prayer of Jabez sitting behind us, we brought the Word of the Lord alive as we shared life’s experiences. I can still hear him say I believe the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible. With his deep voice he would pray for every preacher and every place where the gospel is preached that they would receive a harvest. That’s a harvest of souls.

Today, I don’t know what is upside down in your life. I do know who could straighten it all out though. Jesus Christ, the man that paid the price. He can put your life back on the ground. He is only one prayer away.

Did I tell you Alyssa worked in the Emergency Department for two years after this? Did I tell you she is now dating an ambulance driver? Did I mention she now works where she keeps her car insured?

Life, handle it with care…So much to be thankful for. Wow, just a few days before Thanksgiving. Count your blessings everyday. Amen

Start your Bible reading in the book of John today. God Himself is interested in you. Have A Blessed Day!



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