Are You Accountable?

Nov 15, 2015

Our Personal Accountability

Romans 14:12

If you are not involved in a personal accountability relationship, then you are missing out on one of life’s greatest gifts. Scripture often gives examples of this relationship: Jesus is accountable to the Father (John 8:28-29), the church is subject to Christ (Eph. 5:24), and Paul felt answerable to the church at Antioch (Acts 14:27). When we have someone with whom we can share our failures, weaknesses, successes, and deep longings, we benefit in several ways.

In our accountability to a Christian brother or sister, we develop a sense of responsibility, which leads to improved performance in all we do. Giving an account of ourselves promotes integrity and protects us from misusing our freedom as believers. What’s more, learning to examine ourselves and evaluate others guards us from unhealthy relationships and, in God’s hand, becomes a tool for our spiritual maturity.

Because an accountability partner can see our blind spots and weaknesses, he or she is in a good position to offer counsel, encouragement, or a loving rebuke. To choose the right person, we must look for a Spirit-filled believer who will offer godly wisdom based on Scripture. Also, we want to be accountable to a person who accepts and loves us just as we are, but who also possesses the courage to confront us when we are wrong. It is important to find someone who will truly be looking out for our best interest.

So where will you find such a person? In the pew at church or among your friends. Begin to pray today for an accountability partner, and ask God to clearly reveal the right one.

Bible in One Year: Acts 14-15

God's Great Love

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