Why I Give To FGGAM


anne-frank2There are many wonderful ministries that we, as Christians, can and do support. I wish I could personally give to them all, but I can’t, so I have to be selective. First of all, I believe we must begin with our home church and tithe to the work that God has ordained through a local body of believers of which we are members. I believe this is first and foremost and certainly ordained by the word of God.

In addition to that, however, I believe that our Lord is pleased when we seek out other effective ministries that are also reaching people for Christ and with our sacrificial giving, help them reach the goals of the mission that God has given them.

I, like you, want to help when I see a need and a good work being done.  So I decided to contribute as often as I can to the local work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries. One reason I do is that I know the founder of the ministry and the other principals who oversee the work. This is so important. Not only is Pastor Dewey Moede, his wife Sharon and their small staff people of proven integrity, to which I can attest, but their love and dedication for the Lord’s work is obvious through online prayers, rich articles, multitudes of postings from outstanding Christian writers and the current news alerts published throughout each day of what’s taking place in real time.

I know that every dollar that I can help them with will go directly toward the mission of the ministry. No debt is ever incurred, there are no flamboyant expenses or fluff which are questionable, but just solid and wise stewardship of what God provides.

Let me encourage you to help this ministry if you are able. Your prayers and financial contributions are needed to reach their goal of bringing the truth from the news and events and other activities that happen each day through the lens of a Biblical worldview.

You can bless For God’s Glory Alone Ministries today with a donation of any amount. Just go to their website at www.FGGAM.org and click on the DONATE button.  God knows how to multiply it for his glory! Thank you so much for your help and encouragement. God bless.

Pastor Don Kimbro



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