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Stabbing Attack Wounds IDF Soldier

Stabbing attack wounds soldier

Another stabbing attack against an IDF soldier took place Friday morning near the Gush Etzion security fence in the West Bank. The soldier was lightly wounded and his attacker was shot and wounded, with both being evacuated to hospitals in Jerusalem. The attack comes as leaders of both the Palestinian Authority-linked terror militia Tanzim and the Islamist terror militia Hamas have declared that attacks will continue and there’s not much the Palestinian Authority, Israel or anyone else can do to stop them. “People aren’t waiting for instructions from anyone when committing a terrorist attack,” said Adnan Ghaith, the head of the Fatah-affiliated Tanzim, adding that he blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the situation. Meanwhile, Hamas political leader Khaled Mashaal told a rally in South Africa this week that the “Jerusalem intifada” would continue “until Palestinians achieve freedom and the land returns to Palestine and its people.” Read More
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