Pastor Steve Hickey: “Trump is a Blowhard and a Bozo”


Trump imigration


Pastor Steve Hickey of the Church at the Gate in Sioux Falls, SD: “Trump is a blowhard and a bozo. All this pettiness picking on appearances – he is no statesman who has the leadership capacities to navigate dark times. His bit with Jimmy Fallon this week was nauseating. He thinks he’s living in a reality show.” YAHOO NEWS: Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina turned the tables on Donald Trump after he said her face makes her unelectable. MORE HERE

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Steve Hickey


  1. I can only pray we all stop the continuous attacks upon each of the presidential candidates and actually start looking and listening to each of their positions on which they stand and intend to govern our country by. So far, I’ve heard VERY LITTLE. All we can do is grab a single sound bite here and there and march into battle. HAVE WE LEARNED NOTHING AMERICA!!! I have not decided on, and do not at this time, back any one candidate over the other, I personally haven’t heard enough from anyone to vote or back anyone yet. While we all slam each other, we fail to listen to what they are really saying. How many are aware of where Carly Fiorina or Ben Carson stand on the Kim Davis issue? You may want to check that out for a SURPRISE! As a Christian, I really have to question their, along with others, stance on the United States Constitution and her actual knowledge of how our government was formed and is suppose to operate! I have many questions about all of them and so very, very few answers! The majority of everything I’ve seen concerning the 2016 election is a continuation of media generated slander while we fail to truly question who they are, what they’ll do and how they’ll govern! WAKE UP AMERICA least you find yourself with yet another 8 years of what we already have and constantly complain about!!! We are the ones making it the only news you get when you participate in it as the media only responds to their ratings which provide their only real motivation .. the almighty dollar!!! I’d like to hear about some more important things like what the candidates think about my Almighty God instead of the almighty dollar, or how they intend to deal with the inhumane persecution and slaughter of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East, and/or how we intend to operate what once was a great country! While I do not stand with Mr Trump and have to agree that to an extent, he might be a bit of an actor in the overall scheme of things, but stop for a second and consider what we’re all talking about now -..- Yes, that would be issues EVERYONE else is afraid to mention despite the fact that those very issues dearly need to be dealt with and we ALL complain about. That seems to be what is resonating with ‘We The People’ and why his poll numbers continue to lead the pack! Seems some Americans actually want to start doing something about what is happening to our country! What was the very first media question in an event they are trying to label a debate? A question EVERYONE already knew the answer to and it’s only purpose was to ATTACK one individual and to try to make a name (and dollar) for the individual and network they work for!!! Shall we let the media decide who our president should be? Or shall we start demanding to know what our candidates intend to do to help fix our issues and how they intend to lead our country? (Something we haven’t had for quite some time now!) I’d rather know what each candidate thinks they can do for or about on so very many issues this country needs to deal with and start paying attention to! With the information we’ve learned about all of them so far, about all I can say is – ZIGGY for President!!! (Sorry, you may need to be a little older to understand that one!) OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART LORD !!!!!!

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