From My Heart Podcast: Corruption of The Heart


Deweys Message from the Heart

Let us start with Timothy 1:8….Do not blush or be ashamed then, to testify to and for our Lord, nor of me, a prisoner for His sake but with me take your share of suffering to which the preaching of the Gospel may expose you, and do it in the power of God. Timothy 1:13…Hold fast and follow the pattern of wholesome and sound teaching which you have heard from me, in all the faith and love which are for us in Christ Jesus. Don Trippduran-diannaSusana Martinez wonTrump imigrationBill Richardson corruptionhillaryAttorney General Gary KingBethany Lutheran Church near Bergen More trouble for New Mexico Secretary of State Dianna Duran, as House Speaker Don Tripp says he will create a special legislative panel to investigate the criminal charges against Duran. We pray over this situation, we pray for Secretary Duran, we pray for the State of New Mexico. It seems New Mexico cannot get out of the “pit of corruption”, it’s a problem for both the Republicans and Democrats. Scandal after scandal, whether its the Albuquerque Supt. and School Board or state government, it’s down right sad. Not until people give their hearts to Jesus Christ will this come to a halt. Jesus is the only answer, not political games. This is why Donald Trump has won the favor of many Americans because he is not a politician and speaks the anger that people have inside of them. I get this comment when I travel, “All New Mexico politicians are crooks”. Well, I do not agree with that, as there are some solid, but to few Christians in office. Many folks have given up on New Mexico state government. Many have given up on Governor Susana Martinez, calling her a major disappointment who has led the state to nowhere, that I agree with. The state is no better of with her than it was with former Governor Richardson, who has more problems than Hillary Clinton

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