Wrong Role Models: 260 NFL Players Have Been Arrested Over the Last 5 Years, America Picks Football Over Jesus Christ!


Reserve RevivalWe become what we admire, what we watch, read and focus on. I beleive this is a reflection of our society, our children and too many adults are adopting the wrong role models. Only 7% of America goes to Church on Sundays, Football stadiums are jammed packed on Sundays, as well as College stadiums on Saturdays. Many have picked football over Jesus Christ, many have made their Church, football. I came to realize years ago, as my relationship with Jesus Christ grew that my sports heroes were as human as me. I still love the game of baseball, but look at the players differently, I look at what they say and do. Heros like Minnesota Twins Brian Dozier who boldly stands in the gap for God as does football player Tim Tebow. The examples of Dozier, Tebow and others is so inspiring! We have to be aware that we all need to put God first, then our spouses and our children and family. We cannot put sports or anything before God. We all must be in the House of The Lord on Sundays. What we are doing as a society is not working. Our overall behavior is out of alignment with God. As we said back home, “The proof is in the pudding” There have been 260 NFL player arrests over the last 260 weeks (5 years).

New team-by-team arrest breakdown: pic.twitter.com/iNfgyUrzlf

Read more on the love of Football over Jesus Christ: MORE HERE

Proverbs 3: 5-6 teaches us to be in alignment with God and trust Him………It does not say anything about the NFL or MLB!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

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