How Are You And The Lord Getting Along?


WFRNReserve-RevivalThis past week we have received many sweet letters on FGGAM turning 3 years young! From my hero, Walter Bradley, former Lt. Governor of New Mexico, who called me HIS HERO! That made me weep, but I am no hero, I just try to do what the Lord has told me to do. That comment by Walter has been very impactful, it makes me see so clear how the Body of Christ works, holding each other up, standing in the gap for each other in prayer and affirmation! We must stand in the gap for God, for His ways, for His people, at all times. Now comes a note from another hero of mine, Ed Moore of WFRN Christian radio in South Bend/Elkhart, Indiana who was my first boss in Christian radio back in 1986. I worked for Ed until 1995. He taught me much. I will never forget after Ed hired me he called me into his office one day and asked me, “So Dewey, how are you and the Lord getting along?” WOW! What an impact. Ed really impressed upon me that my most important relationship is with our Lord Jesus Christ. I get up every morning and check in with my Lord, asking Him what I am to do today? Do you? We all need people like Ed in our lives to hold us accountable in our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Ed always took a very loving interest in my personal life. How many bosses or Pastors do that today? Ed would dig deep if needed, to get to the root.  Ed’s wife Jan, his Mother Ruby and Sister Kay and her late husband, Tom and Brother Clyde had the same impact on me. I am so ever grateful for my years at WFRN! The Moore family has built one of the most successful Christian Radio stations ever!  I learned so much about running a Christian News Department. WFRN at one time had a 5 person news Dept. That just doesn’t happen anymore, most Christian stations do not even have a news department anymore! I headed up the news division for Ed for a time. I use much of what I learned at WFRN to this day at FGGAM! Ed has always been a BOLD MAN of GOD! Please pray for Ed,  he recently underwent hip replacement surgery and also pray for his wife Jan as she is ill. I have included a picture of Ed and Jan.

Here is the note Ed sent to me on FGGAM turning 3 years young…………

Dewey Moede,


Congratulations, Dewey!!  And, Praise be to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

It has been my privilege to have worked with you in Christian radio.  You are an encouragement to me and to many others.

May His blessings be yours in the years ahead as you serve Him.


Your partner in ministry.




Ed Moore

WFRN Network

Founder and President

Visit: WFRN Christian Radio

You could say that Ed helped train me UP!

For Ed to say that I am encouragement to him, is just plain humbling!

Kind words are like honey—-sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24

Ask God, through the Holy Spirit’s guidance, to help you to will to do the right thing. “for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose” Phil. 2:13. God helps you to want to do His will and gives you the ability to do it.

Read More Former New Mexico Lt. Governor Walter Bradley

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