‘Coming Alive’ is Happening in Reserve, NM


 I asked Sheri Riddle of Reserve, New Mexico to share her thoughts on the Revival that FGGAM held at the Baptist Church in Reserve one week ago today. Sheri’s husband Kieth is the Pastor of Joy Fellowship in Reserve and they both attended the 3 day Revival. It was such a blessing to meet Sheri and Keith, they are such tremendous Godly leaders of Catron County! The people of Reserve and Catron County have a special place in my heart forever and ever! Sheri and Keith are pictured on the left and Laura and Dan Rosecrans of The HUB of New Mexico are pictured on the right.

Here is what Sheri has to share with you…………Sheri and Keith RiddleDan and Laura

When one thinks of “revival” there are many different images that come to mind. For some it means several days of evangelistic meetings. For another, the word evokes the historic moves of God during the Welch Revival, or Azuza Street. But, there is also that slow, but stead, groundswell that takes place over a time period. It may largely go unnoticed by people both in the pews and streets, but it is happening nonetheless.A sleeping giant, the Church, is being aroused one limb at a time.

That is the kind of coming alive that is happening in Reserve, NM. Over the past year or so a new level of Body fellowship has been growing, mostly among the women and children. But, now it is stirring in the youth and men of faith, joining hearts of pastors and congregants. Oh, yes, it can be said that I have seen this phenomenon before in the 29 plus years that my husband, Keith, and I have been ministering in Reserve. However, this time seems different in that it is reaching widely across all denominational and non-denominational evangelical church lines. I believe it is happening countywide because it is the work of God, not of any man.

Here in Reserve there are around 20 women  who have been studying the Bible together, doing community outreaches, and believing God for all of Catron County to be saved. We have been astounded at what God is doing! We are so blessed to be joining Him in what He is uniquely doing in our midst to help rescue those trapped in human trafficking, and to win and disciple the next generation. Just this past week another group of Christian women in Reserve have launched a new Bible study group, with which we are in full support.

It was into this environment that Pastor Dewey and his team came to hold revival meetings that further encouraged our faith. There was wonderful teaching, preaching, and worship brought by the various speakers and musician. For me as a woman, I was especially blessed by the courageous and dynamic testimony and Bible teaching of Laura Rosecrans, Surrendered Hearts abortion recovery ministry. (Laura and her hubby Dan are pictured) Not because I have personally experienced this heartbreak, but because Laura was so moving and passionate about saving the lives of the unborn and ministering healing to those women who are being lied to and victimized by groups such as Planned Parenthood.

On the last day of Pastor Dewey’s meetings, it was a joy that three of the young ladies of Reserve, a mother and her two preteen daughters, with whom we have long enjoyed relationship were water baptized. We in the faith community are praying for many, many more baptisms to come. Our desire is to see God moving in an ever-increasingly powerful measure, making it hard to go to hell from Catron County as this revival continues to pick up steam!


  1. This brings such joy and excitement! When God moves to revive His people there is joy, peace and a reality of Who He is in our lives and in the world. Thank you, Pastor Dewey for obeying the Holy Spirit and going into the places where others may not dare to tread or are too busy to tread. May you continue to walk this unique path that the Head of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ, has chosen for you. Shalom!!!

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