To the 2016 Presidential Candidates


To all who are hoping to become the next President of the United States:
It is my desire that along with your amibitions of becoming our next President, you all realize, first and foremost, what a great responsibility it is. You are asking us, the American people, to once again put our trust in someone most of us do not know personally or professionally. All we know about you is what the media has allowed us to see and hear thus far…and some of you way more than others.
Hopefully, you realize how many times we have trusted some of you, and many others, as our elected officials, to represent us (the people) and have been sorely disappointed. Some of you tried to make changes or improve on certain areas, but mostly all we hear is talk and a lot of broken promises. I realize it is a process and progress is always slow, but for it to come to a complete stop….or even regress in some areas….is not what any of of us expected to see happen.
Too many times someone comes along who can make a good speech, use all the right words, and later walk back on it all. You pass laws by convincing us it is for the best….but who’s best or we talking about? Congress has passed laws that no one has read just to see what’s in them!!! What kind of responsible leaderhip is this? Who buys a horse without looking at its teeth? Who buys a car without driving it first? Who passes a law that no one has read????Only the US Congress evidently.
You all make promises such as to create hope and change, make America great again, heal our nation’s woes and make everybody prosper. What we need is someone who will actually DO something along these lines. We the people are fed up with empty words….we want action! It is easy to stand up and promise change and all the other things people want to hear, but evidently it is impossible to achieve any of it.
In recent months and years we have sat by and watched as you politicians have led our country down one destructive path after another. Our military, once the most highly regarded group of men and women in the world, are treated like second class citizens, so many people are homeless, sleeping in the allies and beging for handouts. Children are hungry. Too many are forced to take advantage of welfare and other government benefits due to lack of jobs. Our education system is failing our children on every level and the only ones prospering are those within the government itself.
We have seen you turn decisions over to the Supreme Court that should never have been in question. Abortion, immigration, the economy….all of these and more…. are out of control and have no apparent remedy….not unless we all recognize the basis of these problems, and not until we recognize the cure will any or all of them get fixed. We can build fences, or we can tear some down, make more laws and put more people in jail, but still the problems will remain the same or get worse.
When we put God’s laws above our own, remove the need for protection of our religious freedoms, stop trying to be politically correct and start trying to uphold the laws of decency and respect for others, then and only then will our country begin to turn around. A house, or country, divided by itself cannot stand. We must once again become a United States of America and all put our heads and hearts together and find solutions to these problems. Only with God’s help and His favor can any of the issues we face be confronted and conquered.
If any of you who are running for the office of President can promise any of this will be done, then and only then will the average American feel the need to get out and vote. We do not need more division and name calling….no more of the same old Democrats and Republicans vying to sling the most mud and ruin eachother’s credibility. Each party needs to pick it’s best candidate and let the people decide. We, the people, must pay attention, know what the people we vote for truly represent and decide which one will best carry out the duties we expect from our President.
We have leaned on our own understanding for too long and put our faith in people. It is time for America to hit it’s knees and pray for the right leader who will look to God for His guidance and help in making the right decisions for us all. Then and only then do we have a chance of turning our country around and once again becoming a true leader among nations. If we ask God to bless America He will….but only if we are trying to follow Him.
I pray for each of you in the months to come that one of you will step up and be a true Godly leader. May you and your families remain safe and God’s will be done now and on election day.

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