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Telling people about Jesus is my Superpower – what’s yours?

Yesterday afternoon I met with a small group of our Sunday School Teachers and the Pastor for an appreciation luncheon and kick-off to the fall programs. Sunday School Teachers are my heroes of the faith. As a young girl moving into a new community, it was a Sunday School Teacher who also worked for the Board of Education who made me feel welcomed and loved both at church and school. I grew up in the ranks (literally) in the faith by starting out in pre-school and working my way up through each grade level into the teen class where I’ve been for ten years or so. I’ve watched the eyes of a toddler sparkle as they learned a simple song about Jesus and then watched a teens eyes sparkle when they learned to tell someone else about Jesus. It’s an amazing transformation to go from just an average citizen to a Superhero!

Hebrews 1:1-3

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

The Privilege of Sharing Hope

Not everyone is cut from the Sunday School Teacher fabric, but there is no doubt in my mind that there is some fabric draped over the seat of church pew failing to listen to God’s calling on their life. In so doing they’re missing the opportunities that God has set before them one of those opportunities is to share hope. Adults can get so caught up in the bad news of the world that the Good News is overlooked. We take our own salvation for granted as a generation of children, churched and un-churched, are growing up without hope. Yes the world is bad… but God is good.

It frustrates me as I see parents battling behavior issues and attitudes, of which many could have been taken care of during the Sunday School and Worship hour. Are there misbehaving children in church? Of course! Multitudes of them. Many of which who have been in church since the week they were born. But the difference is made in the foundations that are laid during those times. Yes it’s hard, yes it’s sometimes embarrassing; but realize that every church going parent has been there. During those precious hours that your child is in Sunday School and Church, those Heroes of the faith are instilling foundational truths inside of your child that if they are continually nurtured and encouraged will give great joy to your heart. What joy it is to know that if Jesus returns your family will be together in Heaven! There is peace in the unknown. Not knowing is heartbreaking.

God’s Report Card

The elders obtained a good report. Are you excited for report cards to come out? I never was as a child but I’m looking forward to the one that God has waiting for me. There will likely be some things in the comment section that says I could have done better. But when the grades are shown I think I’ll get a “P” in every class for pressing “toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus ~ Philippians 3:14.  

  • Pre-School (P)
  • 3rd-5th (P)
  • 6-8th (P)
  • Senior High (P)
  • Life (P)

Press on pilgrim! And if God’s been pecking on your heart to share Christ through serving in your local church, don’t deny yourself the blessing!!!

Our Sunday School Worker Luncheon was a blessing! And I had the privilege of celebrating my Super Heroes with a Superhero themed day. The links below are some of the designs I gathered from Pinterest ideas and a few of my own and the tools to help you create your Superhero day too!!!

I gave each Sunday School Teacher and youth worker their very own Supehero name. I really put a lot of thought and prayer into this as a blessing for myself. I thought about the various characteristics of each person and what made them an awesome servant of God. I used those characteristics to search for scriptures that would serve as a reminder to us both and then gave them a hand made I.D. Card. They loved it and it was great fun!

Super Hero tight bags where too cute! Another Pinterest idea using white gift bags and craft papers cut and glued in place. I filled them with appreciation gifts and the tootsie pop buy below.

superhero sucker capes were printed on card stock and hot glued to a tootsie pop.

superhero cupcake toppers were a hit! I picked up toothpick toppers from Walmart and hot glued my printed cartoon actions on top. Easy Peasy!!!

Superhero Shield fruit tray was a Pinterest idea. They used marshmallows or cheese cubes to add a circle of white between the fruit. I opted for just fruit and used vanilla yogurt in the center. Makes a great stress free dip! We also served Pizza, but if I would have had more time to plan I think I would have done hero sandwiches

$1 Lanterns and a little hot glue and craft paper.

And finally my Victory Sunday School Worker Luncheon Power Point. It may or may not be suited for your church, but it’s got some great images on it and you can tailor it to your needs.

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