Should We Erase Some of Our History?


It seems here in America we are now at the point where we want to take the eraser to some of our history……our history is good and bad, just like any country. We can learn and our children and their children can learn from our history, both the good and the bad………

I saw this post by Danny Whatley of Albuquerque……….

If you know me, you know that I love the history from the Civil War period. I have stayed silent on the issue during the recent discussion of public displays from this era. I have an opinion and it will remain my opinion. Most outside of New Mexico are probably not aware of decisive Civil War battles in New Mexico as Confederate forces tried to establish a Western advantage. These battles were discussed in an article in today’s Albuquerque Journal. Several noted historians and authors were interviewed and gave their opinion on this latest discussion. The following quote speaks volumes, at least for me concerning the issue. “My own sense is that you should not ignore history. Of corse, I’m a historian, but to simply say it didn’t happen, or to try to pretend it didn’t happen, is kind of silly. We ought to say, ‘yeah it happened, understand why it happened, learn lessons from it and go from there.” (John Taylor, author and historian).

Albuquerque Journal Story

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