FGGAM Is New Mexico’s #1 Christian News Website


Reserve RevivalFGGAM celebrates its third birthday this August! To celebrate in our Lord, FGGAM is holding a Revival in Reserve, New Mexico!

FGGAM New Mexico’s #1 Christian News Website

By Bud and Tara Shaver

When it comes to relevant news both national and local, from a Christian perspective, For God’s Glory Alone Ministries- FGGAM leads the charge here in New Mexico. Tara and I have been honored to contribute news about our life saving pro-life ministries in New Mexico: Pro-Life Witness and Protest ABQ. Having an ability to share our Press Releases, Action Alerts, Sidewalk Testimonies, and Legislative Updates on FGGAM allows people from all across New Mexico, the nation, and the world to lend prayers and support in an instant, which helps our pro-life ministry efforts tremendously.

FGGAM brings prayers, ministries, and Christians in New Mexico together in a way that helps fulfill the Great Commission, answer Jesus’ prayer for Christian unity, and accomplish His desire for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Over the past year, when there has been nothing but silence from the “mainstream” media both locally and nationally, FGGAM has covered the news about the out of control and completely unregulated abortion cartel here in New Mexico, radical pro-abortion politicians circumventing the will of New Mexicans, The University of New Mexico’s radical abortion agenda, and our call to Gov. Martinez, Attorney General Hector Balderas, and New Mexico leaders to investigate New Mexico abortion facilities caught red handed violating New Mexico law. This coverage by FGGAM is vital to keep people informed and expose the deeds of darkness!

Tara and I encourage everyone to support For God’s Glory Alone Ministries- FGGAM with your prayers and financial support so they can continue to be New Mexico’s #1 Christian News Website. DONATE HERE

Pastor Dewey Note: Thank you Tara and Bud for standing in the gap for God and His babies! FGGAM was founded by God to be salt and light, to bring the love of Jesus Christ to one person at a time. God has blessed us…reaching a half-million people each month throughout the world, from Albuquerque to New York City, which is our number two city, to Israel to Malaysia……..PRAISE GOD! For God’s Glory Alone we go forth!

We also thank all of our 40 volunteer writers who do such Godly work each day! We thank the FGGAM Board of Directors and those who financially support the efforts of FGGAM! We also want you to know, that we are thankful for your readership! May God bless you and yours forever and ever! AMEN!

My life scripture is: My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24

God Bless you all!

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