Edgewood Car Show Raises $4,411.00 For Bethel Community Storehouse!


Bethel Storehouse I am so blessed to be able to give you an update on the fundraising efforts of Tony Jaramillo and his Father’s Day Car Show in Edgewood, NM.

Tony shared with me that this years Car Show raised $4,411.68 for the Bethel Community Storehouse!

This is from Linda Smith Executive Director of the Bethel Community Storehouse in Moriarty, NM.

The Bethel Community Storehouse is an interfaith community mission serving
our neighbors in need. We are comprised of 15 churches working together to
help those neighbors. We help with groceries, clothing, furniture and
household items. We also provide seasonal help throughout the year
including school supplies and Christmas gifts for the children. We also
offer referrals to other agencies. We have been serving the Greater
Estancia Valley and East mountain area for over 28 years. We operate a
thrift store for goods to give our clients and it also serves as a
fundraiser for our programs. We count heavily on donations of goods to our
thrift store and financial support to do what we do. Last year we helped
almost 25,000 people with $166,000 worth of goods and services. We stand
on the scripture Matthew 25:40″ Whatever you have done for the least of
these my brothers and sisters, you have done it for me”. We were so
grateful to have been the recipient charity for the Fathers Day Car Show
this year. It was great to not only get the proceeds for our food pantry,
but also the recognition for what we do. Many people there did not know
who we were, or what we do. They know now.
God bless,
Linda Smith
Executive Director

Thank you for that report Linda! We also hold up to you Tony Jaramillo and all the work he and the volunteers do every year to put on the Father’s Day Car Show in Edgewood, NM! It is one of the largest Car Shows in New Mexico!

More on Bethel Storehouse Here

Proverbs 19:17 teaches us………Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.

Pictures are of participants at this years show and of the Bethel Community Storehouse

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