Behind The Scenes With FGGAM, The Birth of a Ministry


DaisyRick Stambaugh with Buffy and Reno Behind The Scenes With FGGAM, The Birth of a Ministry By Pastor Bill Ruhl and Pastor Dewey Moede

For God’s Glory Alone! That’s been the heart of a man, Dewey Moede, and the heart of the ministry God birthed within that man three years ago. As we prepare for the end of summer and August 2015 brings this season to a close, we celebrate the three year anniversary of FGGAM – For God’s Glory Alone Ministries. As Dewey might say, “It feels like I’m rounding third and heading for home every year now about this time.” My advice to Dewey is always, “Finish it standing up… enough sliding in like a youngster.”

Hard to put the emotions or the understanding of what Dewey has birthed at FGGAM into words. Three years ago Dewey set aside the work he was familiar with and had long been involved in, a career that, although not always secure (media never is), had some level of substance and comfort surrounding it, and stepped through the open door of promise the Lord had set before him. On the other side of that door was the vast, overwhelming expanse that God refers to as “another place that I will show you” and God defines as faith for something in the unseen realm. Unseen to us and undisclosed as yet by God, but so the journey began!

I remember a conversation Dewey and I had in his office, at the radio station he managed here in Albuquerque, just before he closed the door to that season in his life and stepped off into what was then untested waters. It can pretty well be summed up this way: “Are you going to continue to hold on to the uncertain future here or are you willing to trust God and step out onto the adventure of these waters He’s set before you?” With his focus on Jesus, Dewey stepped out and never looked back. Not that he didn’t have an abundance of questions over the years, but Dewey managed to surround himself with a wonderful support team, manned with a more than occasional set of water wings(prayers), and the ongoing reminder: “You agreed to this and God is in it!” God, Sharon, family, Reno and Buffy and now Daisy (pets), friends, and new acquaintances, all became cheerleaders in this Abrahamic leap of faith!

During those initial hours, days, weeks, months, and now years, FGGAM has grown in the understanding of God’s faithfulness to perform His Word. I’ll let Dewey give his acknowledgements and fill in the amazing statistics and accomplishments that we have enjoyed over these first three years. Let me just close with this, It has all been “For God’s Glory Alone!”

Pastor Bill Ruhl, Global Destiny Ministry, Vice-Chair FGGAM

Pastor Dewey: Thank you for the inspiring words Pastor Bill. I will always remember that last day at KKIM Christian Radio, Bill helped me load my “things” into his truck and move them home to my office to start the new adventure the Lord had put me in! At that time I had no idea how I would put “bread” on the table! Bill then became the Vice-Chairman of FGGAM and has helped me so much over these last 3 years to realize our Lord Jesus Christ IS THE BREAD!

Behind The Scenes……….

First if all I will say this, FGGAM all about God! God has and is doing miracles here at For God’s Glory Alone. When my Brother Frank Haley would sign off his newscasts on KKIM Christian Radio, which I managed for almost 8 years, Frank would say, “For God’s Glory Alone!” I always said in my prayers, Lord this is why we are here, for your glory alone, not ours but YOURS! Bringing the light of Jesus Christ to one person at a time. So much would happen behind the scenes  at KKIM, that station at a huge impact in New Mexico and around the world with the internet. KKIM never got the credit here on earth for what it did for over 40 years for the Kingdom of God, the best Preachers and Teachers in the World and so many Pastors, Teachers, Missionaries, Church Leaders,  and new Christians were birthed through the ministry of KKIM. That is what God had me experience and learn while I was at KKIM. Show HIS light to one person at a time. The Lord had me become a Pastor while I served at KKIM. God told me to carry over what HE taught me and put into action at FGGAM for His Glory Alone!

So much what we do here at FGGAM is behind the scenes of the world. God knows all. We operate out of my home. We keep the cost of this ministry at the very minimum, we are living proof you do not have to be fancy to serve the Lord! We drive a donated car, given to us by Pastor Ruben and Lucy Gomez of Midland, Texas. We have now over 40 volunteers who write and some also will help me with counseling and praying with people in need. I get asked all the time when I am going to start a Church, people say they want to come and hear me preach. I have taken the “I” and “ME” out of all this. This is for God’s Glory Alone! There are plenty of Churches, one on every street corner, God has made available to us so many wonderful Churches, people just need to GO! God has told me not to start a Church, to fill in as a Preacher at Churches and urge people to join a Church. That is one of the most thrilling things we do here, is helping people get connected with a Pastor and Church, not only here in New Mexico but throughout the United States.

So many people come to FGGAM for help that are on the “list” of a Church but they won’t connect with the Pastor. From the Mega Churches to the smallest Churches. Many do not want to make themselves vulnerable to their Pastor or Church leaders. We always are encouraging and urging them to reconnect with their Pastor and congregation!

We also take calls from out-of-state folks to visit their loved one at the Veteran Hospital in Albuquerque, as many in Texas and Colorado come to the VA here in the Duke City.

We also make calls to the area Hospitals and Nursing Home facilities.

We also take many phone calls each day from people who are seeking prayers, advice or counseling, throughout the United States. We do our best and if needed refer them to a counselor or Pastor.

As you can see FGGAM is way more than an internet ministry.

It is people to people. One person at a time.

This website is a miracle in itself, nearly a half million people visit us every month. Over 40 writers gather here at FGGAM.ORG to write for God’s Glory Alone! We strive to bring you the very best in news and inspiration from a Biblical perspective.

One of, if not my favorite thing to do for our Lord is to PREACH! Going on now for almost 2 years I have been Preaching in Reserve, NM at FBC of Reserve! OH MY! I have just fallen in love with those folks and the entire community! What a blessing they have been to me and Sharon and the ministry of FGGAM, They have become family! We are preparing for a 3 day revival in Reserve, August 14, 15 and 16! We are so very grateful to the folks at FBC of Reserve for their love!

I also love to do weddings and baptisms! I just don’t do a wedding or baptism! I PREACH!

It is a blessing to do funerals. It is wonderful to be part of a celebration of life. Many people come to the Lord at funerals.

Most of all, I have never met a stranger!

We thank our wonderful Board Members, Vice-Chair Pastor Bill Ruhl, Sec/Treasurer Wanell Pate, Apostle Barbara Gould, New Mexico Watchman Jose Vasquez, Pastor Sonia Haylett and Public Relations Kathy Garcia.

We also thank our key advisers, Pastor Leonard Navarre, Pastor Don Kimbro, Pastor Paul Holt and Pastor Ruben Gomez.

I have more names to add but not the space, so sorry, we love you all! We have a very strong accountability group, Pastor Leonard taught me years ago…..BE ACCOUNTABLE!

I will never forget the fact that my lovely wife Sharon didn’t miss a beat when I told her I had to leave my highly paid job to answer the call of the Lord. Sharon has given up much, over the last 3 years she has sold much of her personal belongings so that we can stay above water. Our lifestyle has changed so very much. it has been simplified! …….it’s all about God, for His Glory Alone! I could not do this without Sharon.

One final note…..for those that really know me, its not final as I can go on and on………..LOL!

I have to mention one other gift that God gave me and Sharon and that is BUFFY! Our first ministry dog!  She passed away in Feb. We were flooded with sympathy cards in the mail and messages on Facebook, text, etc…..Buffy touched the hearts of many…….she helped me minister to people. She was instrumental along with Reno, our other ministry dog, in bringing Rick and Sandy Stambuagh back into the Church. That is probably my favorite Buffy and Reno ministry story, I have many! Rick and Sandy have become great friends and Rick is a writer for FGGAM! Rick wouldn’t have much to do with me except for a friendly hello when I would come into the store he managed, he would rather go out to the car and love on Buffy and Reno, and of course they would love on him!

Okay, this is the end……This is my least favorite job here at the Ministry is the financial part. It also was my least favorite at KKIM. When God had me start at FGGAM, He told me to never be in debt! I am blessed to tell you that we are not in debt! The bills get paid each month! PRAISE GOD! As I mentioned, we keep expenses at a minimum here at FGGAM, but we still have everyday expenses, unexpected expenses , living expenses, gas, travel and food, website upgrades, and other stuff that comes along. We do barter for services when we can. We have to put a new roof on our house as it cannot be patched together anymore! Please pray for a new roof, the heavy rains have come to New Mexico! We are so very grateful that ther Lord has busted our drought here in New Mexico! Amen! deweysharonbillruhlrickstanbaughWould you pray about joining our other faithful supporters? DONATE

Pictured at top is Martin Rivera of Artesia, New Mexico who we visited when he had heart surgery at the Heart Hospital in Albuquerque. Martin has become a Dear friend. I just talked to him yesterday. Buffy and Reno loving on Rick Stambaugh! Our newest addition Daisy! Reserve youthSharon and I and then the three musketeers, I’m pictured with Pastor Bill Ruhl in the center and Rick Stambaugh on the right. Also friends in Reserve, love the Youth!

My life verse is Acts 20:24: My life is worth nothing unless I do it for the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus.

Do you know the work God has assigned you?



Reserve Revival

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